I am just curious, how many other people here grew up on a farm or in a rural area close to farms? And if you grew up on a farm, what type of farm was it?
I grew up on a farm. We had cows, horses, chickens, goats, pigs, and dogs. Being around animals my entire life made it easy for me to have my first zoo experience at a young age.
Spent a good deal of time on various relatives' farms. All were row crop farms with chickens, ducks and geese for eggs and some hogs for pork. One adult cousin was a horse chick and kept several horses for the various styles of riding she competed in (English, Western, jumping).
I spent about half of my summers on an old family farm, for a given value of "farm". Half a dozen cows, a bunch of barn cats, and a tobacco field. Zero relevance to zoo for me.
i live on several hundred acres and have many pets. horses, sheep, birds, dogs, cows... all the ladies... its a lot of work but worth it for all the poon available 24/7
Yep, grew up in the county with numerous animals and it was great. I sat on a horse’s back before I learned to walk, had a dog who wasn’t part-time nanny and a hen laid an egg in my lap!
No doubt this all had something to do with my being zoo ?
I grew up on a farm and still lives on the farm, I have my beautiful Boerperd stallion and a 3 year old Rottweiler male, it's so relaxing and quiet with no interference, I have more privacy at my home.