applies to urologists as well. i used to play games with one and he had some pretty hilarious stories. some guys will let their dicks literally blacken with necrosis before seeking help, because it's apparently shameful or whatever to have something wrong with your penis. or a dude with a piece of tomato peel under his foreskin because washing it after anal sex with his wife never crossed his mind.To quote Cosmo Kramer:
Have you ever *met* a proctologist? Well, they usually have a very good sense of humor. You meet a proctologist at a party, don't walk away. *Plant* yourself there, because you will hear the funniest stories you've ever heard. See, no one wants to admit to them that they *stuck* something up there. Never! It's always an accident. Every proctologist story ends in the same way: "It was a million to one shot, Doc. Million to one."
did someone actually have a tomato peel under their foreskin? if so then I have questionschances of that happening are so slim (the knot doesn't typically go in nor out fully inflated) i've never given it any thought... so i'd probably go with too large toy/person entering me.
applies to urologists as well. i used to play games with one and he had some pretty hilarious stories. some guys will let their dicks literally blacken with necrosis before seeking help, because it's apparently shameful or whatever to have something wrong with your penis. or a dude with a piece of tomato peel under his foreskin because washing it after anal sex with his wife never crossed his mind.
yeah it's a whole double standard. society says women r supposed to douche, spritz, spray, and do everything under the sun but dudes don't have to wash their shit like ever.chances of that happening are so slim (the knot doesn't typically go in nor out fully inflated) i've never given it any thought... so i'd probably go with too large toy/person entering me.
applies to urologists as well. i used to play games with one and he had some pretty hilarious stories. some guys will let their dicks literally blacken with necrosis before seeking help, because it's apparently shameful or whatever to have something wrong with your penis. or a dude with a piece of tomato peel under his foreskin because washing it after anal sex with his wife never crossed his mind.
Yea there are an absolute ton of double standards out there, and in reality it honestly comes down to talking with that other person that why there won't be a double standard inside your own relationships of whatever kind with those people. Communication is both the gate and key to change things.yeah it's a whole double standard. society says women r supposed to douche, spritz, spray, and do everything under the sun but dudes don't have to wash their shit like ever.
You must know tank people then. I don’t even engage with my dog without showering myself.yeah it's a whole double standard. society says women r supposed to douche, spritz, spray, and do everything under the sun but dudes don't have to wash their shit like ever.
Being the genius that I am, i'd probably still try to take something like a st bernard as a first timer.oversized dildo, anal sex that was too rough, not enough lube. injuries should not happen if the dog is calm and stays still and the human is adjusted and trained for the size. A first timer should not be trying with a lab or st bernard as their first time.
As far as stories and excuses go, less is more. the more details you state without being prompted the more rehearsed it sounds and they will not believe it. Instead of saying it was a large pink dildo that was 10 inches just say the dildo was too big. if they ask the size then state the size. they probably won't ask how it happened or how fast you were going. they really do not care they just want to be sure nothing is stuck up there.
Yeah no. Not washing your junk is a good way to end up with an infection. Not only that, it's a good way for your female companion to end up with an infection as well. Before I even touch my girl, usually the first thing I do is hop in the shower and thoroughly rise my junk off, even if I took a shower 5 hours earlier. I'm not looking to give my girl a UTI. But I guess it's continent to lump all men into one stereotype.yeah it's a whole double standard. society says women r supposed to douche, spritz, spray, and do everything under the sun but dudes don't have to wash their shit like ever.