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Getting licked, that tongue is ROUGH


I mean, aouch. I just started having her (my bitch) lick me, and while I love her tongue on my member and in my behind, I am also a bit frustrated with the experience. Because while it is a turn-on, I am having a bit of trouble coping with her tongue. I mean, it's rough. Like, I can only take so much licking before I start cringing back from her. My behind is almost raw after a good licking. And she really likes to lick, she does so really thoroughly (and deep, uhhh that's good), but... after a while it just hurts and my skin gets all sensitive.

I suddenly find myself wanting a human tongue more, because a human tongue is so soft and smooth compared to my bitch's. But it's sexually and emotionally so much more satisfying to have my bitch do it. That's a bit of a fix.

Have any of you encountered problems like this?
I didn't get that feeling, but somehow i felt a little "swollen" after she licked me, not in some allergic way though, but in a way kinda like you described. But not feeling sore or anything, just sensitive.

anyways what happened to me that i didn't like it was that she once tried to chew on my stuff, lol .
Take breaks during, and don't do it every day at first, give yourself a day long break out more until you are no longer sore.

I felt a similar way at first, but I just got used to it over time and I don't really need breaks now.
I am also surprised at the enthusiasm she shows for licking. I mean, wow. She wants it every time we get home from a little wal, she can get very insisting, almost whining, until I agree to take off my clothes and present her with member and behind, which she then thoroughly licks. Apparently, it satisfies her in some way to be allowed to lick.
It just came as a surpise to me that I would get so sore from it! :D
I've been licked by a mare - nice soft tongue. I've also been licked by a cow - not a soft tongue, but pretty sexy anyways... not sure where I was going with this, but thought I'd share.
I am also surprised at the enthusiasm she shows for licking. I mean, wow. She wants it every time we get home from a little wal, she can get very insisting, almost whining, until I agree to take off my clothes and present her with member and behind, which she then thoroughly licks. Apparently, it satisfies her in some way to be allowed to lick.
It just came as a surpise to me that I would get so sore from it! :D
Saying from experience, it will be interesting when she does it while guests are around :p

You learn to be very subtle in pushing her away lol
Saying from experience, it will be interesting when she does it while guests are around :p

You learn to be very subtle in pushing her away lol

Or family, oh the horror...

I've just taken to play with her a bit when we get home and give her a bellyrup, it seems to also satisfy her somewhat. Only when we're home alone do I allow her to get what she really wants.
I also have to admit, it's really damn sexy to feel that she really wants this lick and gets all frisky about it. Soon as we're home, she runs into the bedroom standing in that special place where I've put myself naked the other times. Waiting for me. Then I get in, drop pants, present bum, and whoooo. I mean, I started doing this to satisfy my own lusts, and now I'm doing it for her sake?? That's both ironic and supersexy :D

But alas, I have to keep it down, both because it begins to hurt, and because I'm dead frightened of someone finding out or getting suspicious because of her always wanting this.
I also have to admit, it's really damn sexy to feel that she really wants this lick and gets all frisky about it. Soon as we're home, she runs into the bedroom standing in that special place where I've put myself naked the other times. Waiting for me. Then I get in, drop pants, present bum, and whoooo. I mean, I started doing this to satisfy my own lusts, and now I'm doing it for her sake?? That's both ironic and supersexy :D
Tell me about it man, I surely can relate :husky_wink:
There seems to be great variation in the roughness of dog tongues. I believe someone once said you could predict tge texture by breed but i might be imagining it.
I am also surprised at the enthusiasm she shows for licking. I mean, wow. She wants it every time we get home from a little wal, she can get very insisting, almost whining, until I agree to take off my clothes and present her with member and behind, which she then thoroughly licks. Apparently, it satisfies her in some way to be allowed to lick.
It just came as a surpise to me that I would get so sore from it! :D
Mine is a fan of licking just like your girl, when he knows what up he goes really into it. His tongue isn't that rough, can say it feels bit better then human ones, if only we could communicate better on what to do for best results.

About dogs being satisfied with licking their human partner, I think it's pretty simple ;) Dogs love, and take pride in making us happy. When they correlate licking with being a good boy or girl, they enjoy giving us head ;)
The thing that got me into beastiality was a dog licking me haha. I was at a friends place and I'd finished a shower and was drying off my hair when I felt a rough tongue right on my clit. I have no idea how their collie girl snuck in but it took me a few moments to push her away, I was shocked at how good it felt...now I find myself wishing I didnt push her away.