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Genuinely curious about the legality of viewing and sharing zoo porn in the USA



Just want to know what the legality of sharing and viewing zoo porn is. Because if it is illegal then I’m done here. I don’t need fbi busting my door down over some guy fucking dogs that I shared on here. If you have any reason why one shouldn’t fear this then pleas explain.
The laws vary by state, but many of us use the TOR browser, either way, just to be safe. If you want, you can learn also how to use a VPN or Shadowsocks.
See the Internet security thread:

Consider using Tor Browser -- to be even more secure, use Tor Browser within the Whonix virtual operating system. Another option is to use the Tails (amnesiac) operating system. Some people use VPNs, or Tor Browser + VPNs, but that has a number of downsides. Both Tor Browser and VPNs hide one's real IP address.

With regard to the legality of zoo porn, it's currently a state-by-state issue in the United States. Viewing and possessing zoo porn is legal in most states (it is illegal in a few states, such as Oregon and Louisiana). Making or distributing zoo porn is illegal in several U.S. states, including Oregon, Washington state, New Hampshire, Vermont, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Florida, and Texas (most of these states have made bans recently, within the past 10 years). The laws relating to sex with animals and zoo porn (in the United States) have been getting worse and worse in recent years, and no one is doing anything to fight them.

One issue is that zoo porn may be considered "obscene", meaning "obscenity" laws in various states may apply.

If you save zoo porn, you should encrypt it with a program like VeraCrypt.
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Or you could just stick to illustrations, which are not really touchable based on any law as far as I know. In fact, I still regard illustration as preferable. An artist can capture how an experience feels at the time.
Or you could just stick to illustrations, which are not really touchable based on any law as far as I know. In fact, I still regard illustration as preferable. An artist can capture how an experience feels at the time.

True; there's huge amounts of zoo illustrations / cartoons on e621.net (when one goes to e621.net and searches using the word "bestiality").
I don't care much for e621. Some of their moderators are anti-zoo. It's weird because they don't mind lots of illustrations of the same content or even kiddie porn, but they still ban you if you are a zoo. It's a matter of self-respect that I will not get my pornography from a venue that has no respect for me at all. As far as I am concerned, it is blacklisted.

However, I have been learning how to draw, myself. I might eventually create something good enough to upload on here. It takes a while to learn if you start late in life, but it's still doable. You just make up your mind to draw, and you draw. Once you realize that nobody is really going to stop you, then you just keep doing it.
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