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General question to those actually in the zoo lifestyle

What do you prefer your animal companion to be referred to as?

  • Pet

    Votes: 42 21.8%
  • Companion

    Votes: 71 36.8%
  • Lover

    Votes: 46 23.8%
  • Species (dog, horse, etc)

    Votes: 16 8.3%
  • Other (please say in comments)

    Votes: 18 9.3%

  • Total voters
I'm not a member of this club, but my dog is so stubborn and bullheaded I often refer to him as an "ass".

So often that whenever he hears the word ass, he looks at whoever said it. It's almost become an inside joke that the dog thinks his name is ass.

He doesn't, but he certainly does react to the word when he hears it.
I put "pet" as i think that's how i want her to be referred by almost everyone, others that know what i'm into just refer to her by her name, others as "your companion". But to keep the weird moment with people that aren't into this, just pet is fine.
I'd like normal people to refer to him as my dog. I'm ok with zoo friends referring to him as anything they'd feel comfortable with, but I think I'd prefer for them to refer to him as my partner. In private, I ironically refer to him as my boyfriend cause I think the cringyness of it is funny. It doesn't really matter I guess; the only thing I actually wouldn't like would be for anyone to call him my pet... not a big deal though.
My P.I.C. Partner in crime. I refer to him as my companion. He isn’t just a pet. He goes everywhere with me. I treat him with the same love and respect that I treat myself. I eat very well, so he does too. No cheap kibble for this guy. He gets fed a raw food diet that was tailored to him by a veterinarian. I exercise daily and so does he. I have health insurance and so does he. I travel to cool places and he comes with.

I love humans and humans are my friends and companions. I love animals and a dog like mine is my companion. I could never treat him less than I treat myself. He also gets the added benefit of knotting me on a daily basis.
Ours are very much companions rather than pets. "Pet" tends to convey the idea of dependency which, of course, to a degree they are dependent, but we also accept that they have rights and emotions, too. There is nothing wrong with calling your animal friends pets either. I think it is a matter of with what the individual is comfortable and finds acceptable.
My best friend's doggo is currently a lover, because no one knows yet, though seems it will be hard to keep it in secret in long term, because he has shown visible affection towards me 🤭). Just figuring out how to open up to her (her opinion is so-so about the subject)...
Psssst... Hey Ted... I opened up a pretty similar thread awhile back...

Psssst... Hey Ted... I opened up a pretty similar thread awhile back...

dammit! I searched before making this thread, didn't even see that.........sorry floofs
i call them a partner or i refer to them by name. i would refer to them by species or gender just to say what exactly im partnered with.
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In general, I would say Lover. That way people can just get the gist that they are my Significant Others, but deep down I feel the need to refer to them as my Girlfriend/Boyfriend if we are still building up an emotional connection and then as my Wife/Husband after we have become completely inseparable. I admit that I am reluctant do this with other Zoo's, I feel like others think of me as being Goofy, Nerdy or even a bit Dramatic. But that mostly comes from me not having any decent connections online with other Zoo's and from being pretty much alone most of my Zoo life, I don't know if other Zoo's think and feel similar to me about the relationships between Zoo's and their partners. But if it isn't too goofy I would prefer to call them my Girlfriend/Boyfriend or Wife/Husband in everyday life.