It's funny that a forum that should contain a zoo community is probably about 5 percent.... The rest are scammers and dubious individuals who insert photos of other people from the internet or collages from neural networks. Posting photos from onliefans. It's easy to identify such idiots if you understand how their stupid head thinks. Very disappointed in this forum and the fact that it encourages and creates conditions for the growth of scammers and does not fight them in any way. Finding a girl with a zoo turned out to be many times easier to find on tinder than on the zoo forum, which is even more amusing. In this forum only advice and some strange fantasies for me personally. You can see that most people are not familiar with it at all and write some unrealistic fantasies? In general it is a pity that bestialforum was quite another place, and zooville is a breeding ground for scammers and I would say dangerous place. This is my opinion and it may not coincide with yours.