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frustrations with anti-zoo hate


i've been obssesed with thoughs about this and i feel it's time to share a little what im feeling these past weeks...

in 2 mounths or so, i joined a discord server for a animated series i really like- i would happly recommend it but that would be too indentifiable. the important part is that it's shamelessly furry and that attracts alot of diferent furs. im being a furry myself.
we have a nsfw session to talk about adult things and share yiff ( furry porn ), sometimes we share porn of the show but mostly just normal yiff. and sometimes, some members daree to share feral yiff. feral is basically animals that have their natural shape but think and act like people.
i personally love this kind of thing and i feel i use feral to cope and somewhat express my zooier side without being detected. atleast inside the furry fandom. very important to note that not every furry that enjoys feral supports or likes zoo stuff... some may like the unrealistic drawings but the real thing is usually wayy out of their line in the sand. most feral furry hate zoo.
if you saw a pornographic drawing of a cartoony animal or more beasty pokemon it's probably made by a furry that likes feral.
well, sometimes people just enjoy the feral porn and move on, but sometimes somebody pops in just to degrade it. replaying to the message with feral, questioning it saying it's wrong, usually following up saying that feral is zoophilia. of course, in a degrading way. some people ignore them, but some reply to them saying it's not real and it's just a drawing, or how stupied the connection is. offended for being called such a thing.
and i also get quite offended. not because im being called a zoophille, because of all that prejuice and pure hate they throw at us.
i remember a time some of those feral haters started talking with eachother. it started with how they liked feral but how they absolutly hated those that are below their line in the sand... how those hardcore feral lovers are all zoophiles and by extention, people that deserved to be away, hurt, dead, in hell and worst-
other time, everybody, even the biggest feral lover in the server, started talking agaisnst zoophilia too. some of those more hateful people just keep rolling they hate speach and moral superioriy complex...
frankly the feeling i get from not being able to talk back in any way, or atleast report the just plain hate speach is horrible. and this feeling is stuck on me. it's making me want to express myself, to somewhat fight agaist this. i feel this everytime i read or see the public's opinion on zoophilia.
they hate me for something i am, even if i wanted i wouldnt be able to escape my zoophilic thoughs and wishes. instread of wanting at least to "heal" me, they hunt me down and treat me like something lesser. something that only deserves hate and destruction. they want to hurt and destroy me.
besause of that anger, nowdays im obsessed with zoophilia, not in a horny way but in a passion filled one- i really wanna express myself to at least those that may be indiferent to it. i wanna make people think about it. im also studying it alot too, to understand better about myself and get what kind of stance i should have on zoophilia.
at least i wanna be a informed and good zoo before doing anything...

does anybody feel the same felling of anger? any advice and such?
or how stupied the connection is.
It is not though.
Lots of those feral images do display plain feral animals. The idea that they in some way have a human mind is plopped on top to make it more digestible. Unless the picture itself somehow hints at it.
Or can you honestly say that this sexy raptor is more than just a mere animal? :D (By the way humans are just animals and the ability to ask a partner for sex is just about as old as mating itself.)
It is a coping mechanism that in my opinion is supposed to hide the latent zoophilia.
In the way: "I am afraid that this makes me attracted to animals. So I will say they think like humans."

hate me for something i am, even if i wanted i wouldnt be able to escape my zoophilic thoughs and wishes. instread of wanting at least to "heal" me, they hunt me down and treat me like something lesser. something that only deserves hate and destruction. they want to hurt and destroy me.
The most irony I find in this, is that the furry fandom which contains a lot of LGBT... as well, advertises itself as an open and inclusive, welcoming community. And they or the sub components of furry have been hated before and know what it is like.

It more or less confirms the truth, that we are just people and these beautiful and amazing concepts of being incredibly inclusive and such are just concepts inapplicable to real life.

You can surely find a group of people you yourself hate for some reason. Then you can try to come up with a reason why you should not be doing that and accept them. It is going to be hard and at least for me impossible for some groups.
And that is how they feel. In their opinion we are unacceptable and it is not going to change.

Do not waste your time there.
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I am going to say this from how I used to act as a lover of feral art in the furry community, a lot of furries that love feral artwork are a lot more into animals then they are willing to admit, sometimes even to themselves.
Obviously artwork isn't real life, but it can be a lense that looks into someone mind. Furries are furries for a reason, and furries are into animal features, that's a fact.

I used to be a big anti, would talk about how much zoos are ruining the fandom, would post on certain websites and servers about how much I disliked zoos. All while having sock accounts that I would follow and favorite feral artists and art on. I was in denial and couldn't come to terms with my sexuality. I felt tremendous guilt and used my internal hate to lash out at others I perceived as doing the same as me.

Try to not let it get to you. The people that are the loudest in their hate are either psychopath monsters that will use anything to destroy a person, or someone battling their own demons
anger? not really. not anymore. you'll get (you really should) used to it eventually... not like you can really say anything. no matter how many logic-based arguments you can offer, you'll only end up being witch hunted. very few ppl (even more so if it's a crowd) are actually interested in logic.

i'm a zoo, who is a furry and does ai generated feral art. plenty of hatred coming my way regularly. ^^
i used to have this mental disorder where i believed that if i present sound and logical arguments i might be able to change someone's mind (be it zoo stuff, feral art stuff or ai stuff, take your pick). i'm cured nowadays.
I understand many of the feelings you are feeling.
I've been through a lot of things: today I think about overcoming these angry people by showing myself to be more rational, more loving, more kind, more affectionate with my animals and more careful with beginners.
We must be an island of love and welcome for those who are just starting out and who are going through these moments os doubt, fear and guilt.
Even though I have never identified as a furry, I assume my choice of profile pic shows that I do like certain animation. And yes, I also have seen artwork as feral as it can be, but the moment it becomes zoosexual, it suddenly is rejected. My best guess is that members in furry communities and LGBT+ communities (despite their façade of being open and tolerant of diversity) demonise anything zoo in order to portray themselves on the "safe" side of their communities. In other words, they feel their own societal acceptance is fractious at best, and by stomping down on zoosexuals, they want to show there is a difference between them and zoosexuals, denying the feral characteristics of what gets them off.

Not that my assumptions will help you there. The only thing I can say is: if this furry community gets too toxic, if you get stressed out, sad, or angry by their hypocritical stomping on anything zoo, then it's best to get out, close the door, and walk away. To be an informed zoo, I think the ZETA Principles would be a good start.
Idk I just assume most of that clique are young, they are entitled to an opinion like anyone else.

But that's all it is an opinion