Forum etiquette is terrible around here, and it makes the forums harder to use for everyone

The biggest issues I see everyday pertain to terrible thread names. So many threads with titles like "Just a thought" or "A question for the ladies".
This is anathema to usability. People should know what your thread is about long before they click on the link. These uselessly vague titles might as well just read "A thread" because of course your thread contains your thoughts. What else would it, unless it's in the porn section?

If you want to make a thread about how people lost their animal virginity, post "First time stories" or "Tell us about your first animal experience" rather than "A question".

The other big issue is that people have no idea where to post their threads, which is absolutely bonkers to me because it's super clearly laid out. Porn goes in the porn section. Requests go in the request section. The mods have in general laid things out really well, I just can't understand why people struggle so much to understand the layout.
Anyways, please watch this video about basic forum etiquette, to make the forums better for everyone.
this forum is awesome - one issue with it is its not neccesrly comfortable to focus on specific things sometimes
Most of the time these threads are posted by new users who are just too lazy/ignorant/horny/dumb to take a look at the forum first and observe, how things work here. Sadly, I don't think anyone can do amything about that
I decided that in those cases where a thread has a particularly bad title like "Question" and the content of the post is sufficient enough to formulate what question it is, I will change the title to something more accurate.