Let me enlighten you all a Bit, shall i??? First, watching, owning or sharing animalporn isnt illegal in every country. In my country watching and owning IT is absolutely legal, so why should the feds or government be after me for doing Something legal? Or you. Fun fact, watching IT is legal in Most countries, Just Google IT for your country.
Second, Tor ist Safe, AS Long AS youre Not doing illegal shit, Like downloading Terrabytes of childporn, buying weapons or drugs or try to hire a Hitman for your annoying ex wife. So Stop spreading lies about Tor being owned by the feds. Its Not. The illegal Sites are, mostly. But Not the Tor Network itself. You can safely use IT without causing any Attention. Like i Said, No one will track you down for doing Something legal.
Third, If there were Copyright Claims by Aoz only Thing i could Imagine is, Aoz lawyers wrote the siteowners of FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE!.com a Bad Mail and give them some time to remove all Aoz content. With a nice warning If they dont do IT in a couple of days they will sue them.
So the siteowners shut down the Site so they can remove the content without being Interrupted or Users uploading new Aoz content while they try to remove IT. Thats a Common practice If you got Work to do on sich a Big Site Like that, that you shut IT down to remove everything and implement a Message to all Users that tells them to Not Upload Aoz content anymore.