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Feel wrong or?

Well I do not know any who like zoo and we somehow feel its inappropriate with these feelings so are we the only ones who have gone through that phase?
It depends, really. If you usually follow social norms than it can easily feel wrong. It also depends on intent. Would you get an animal for the purpose of intimacy, or as a companion regardless of the future?

It's normal to feel wrong or weird when we find a kink/fetish that goes against social norms or is even taboo or illegal in places. As you accept something more, then it becomes less wrong feeling. Essentially, you could condition yourself.

For example, I used to feel wrong about being gay, but now I would tell anyone who asks. Times have changed and social views on it as well. I surrounded myself with accepting (or at least tolerable) people that support me to get to that stage. If I was still around my family then I can say with absolute certainty I'd still be in the closet lol.
That is nice to hear - Thank you.
It is somewhat on uncertain grounds that we are moving into unknown territory where we would like to meet like-minded people with experience
It depends, really. If you usually follow social norms than it can easily feel wrong. It also depends on intent. Would you get an animal for the purpose of intimacy, or as a companion regardless of the future?

It's normal to feel wrong or weird when we find a kink/fetish that goes against social norms or is even taboo or illegal in places. As you accept something more, then it becomes less wrong feeling. Essentially, you could condition yourself.

For example, I used to feel wrong about being gay, but now I would tell anyone who asks. Times have changed and social views on it as well. I surrounded myself with accepting (or at least tolerable) people that support me to get to that stage. If I was still around my family then I can say with absolute certainty I'd still be in the closet lol.
Lol - Thank you for that fantastic reply.
Aren't we just another life form that's still categorized as "animal"

We function based on pheromones, despite our lack of conscious understanding of it. We have base desires, we enjoy carnal acts, we reproduce in the same manner as creatures of the animal kingdom. We are just evolved Great Apes

Now if you asked if being the most evolved of the animal kingdom, as stewards of mother earth should we feel shame in our sexual desires if they manifest in a means that doesn't fall into what's considered socially acceptable? My answer would be that as long as you are hurting no one, why should you not indulge?
What an amazing consideration - and we already feel recognized by you wonderful unknown people.
You are right that our social form and surroundings have a common opinion about what is right and what is wrong - and I have been told that it is with the creation of the Bible that sex with animals was considered wrong.
And no, animals must not suffer harm - completely agree
Lol - Thank you for that fantastic reply.
You're welcome! I'll probably piss a lot of people off by saying this, but if it's something you want to accept and enjoy, you'll find justifications to defend that point of view. Like the we are all animals argument, in human history it was normal in some cultures, definitions in laws are made up by people who are bias, all living things have a baseline sexual need, etc.

Just as there are these arguments for zoos, there's many more against. Depends where you land on that spectrum. In the middle where you don't know, that's where you would feel unsure, or feeling wrong. Yay for sex psychology!
You're welcome! I'll probably piss a lot of people off by saying this, but if it's something you want to accept and enjoy, you'll find justifications to defend that point of view. Like the we are all animals argument, in human history it was normal in some cultures, definitions in laws are made up by people who are bias, all living things have a baseline sexual need, etc.

Just as there are these arguments for zoos, there's many more against. Depends where you land on that spectrum. In the middle where you don't know, that's where you would feel unsure, or feeling wrong. Yay for sex psychology!
and because of this we have to move in the shadows with our sexuality..
Hi Brenda
I understand that - and of course we want acceptance of our desire/fetish - but we don't have family or friends with us - so regardless of our acceptance, we still have to hide our desire for animals.

But with your wonderful statements, we actually feel more comfortable in our naughty fetish.
Thank you❤️
Hi Brenda
I understand that - and of course we want acceptance of our desire/fetish - but we don't have family or friends with us - so regardless of our acceptance, we still have to hide our desire for animals.

But with your wonderful statements, we actually feel more comfortable in our naughty fetish.
Thank you❤️
For the HYPOCRITES anything outside their thinking is immoral, that's why we hide it but doesn't mean we stop doing it.
Exactly - and we want naughty experiences with animals/dogs - which many of you have or want. We just need to find the right opportunities - then we're off and running
Exactly - and we want naughty experiences with animals/dogs - which many of you have or want. We just need to find the right opportunities - then we're off and running
So.....who is "we"? Several statements you've made don't appear to mean "we" zooville or "we" who are all here, but more like your account is a "we".............mostly that's irrelevant, but I am curious.
We - are me and my husband
Ah. Good. Thank you.

I don't have to think I'm reading something Gollum wrote when I read now, lol

You can save yourself *some* minor irritation by adding that to your "about" section. For the 12 thirster accounts here who can read anyway, lol
I have never had issues with my feelings, pretty sure I care more about animals then any normie ever would