Some women in the forum has been experience fake pregnancy with dog, what does it feel like, does it feel better than human real pregnancy in the first week?
I very much doubt that.Some women in the forum has been experience fake pregnancy with dog?
Nothing but bullshit. That test detects hCG hormone which is produced by the placenta. It says right on the test that it won't work until she's been pregnant (fertilized ova implanted) for 2 weeks. Even if the sperm penetrates the egg, implantation will never happen so there is no pregnancy.Why not? A woman who copulates with animals very often can test herself with the "Manual Test First Response Early Result".
Usually the sperm cannot get into the egg because of foreign species, but sometimes the backup does not work properly.
Then a woman becomes pregnant, if only for a short time.
Perhaps one day the first response test will be positive ...
I would very much like to see a vagina open with speculum when animal sperm swimming on the cervix, like in sonyas womb invasion 2 movie.
The imagination then comes automatically.