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F22* looking for zoo friends, like minded people and guides

Welcome to the zooville community.
Zooville is a great place to make good friends, to learn good things, to share good feelings.
but remember: always protect your privacy ;)
It is very important.

Enjoy and be happy :)
You'll probably find one or two here interested as well. Like your animal choices you tagged. All have my curiosity as well. Should find a few there in the UK. In the past it seemed there was a big community there and Germany.
Hi there thessloveDdick, whether you're here to learn, offer your expertise, or simply enjoy the company of others, we hope you find your time here rewarding
Im Thess! New to the whole story without any experience yet and i want to meet like minded people to get to know more about it! Feel free to shoot me a dm!
Welcome to the community! It's great that you're looking to explore this aspect of yourself in a supportive environment. You'll find plenty of like-minded people here who are open to sharing their experiences and knowledge. Feel free to reach out in DMs or engage in the forums to learn more and make connections. Looking forward to seeing your journey unfold!
G'day from Oz. Good to see another sister join. DM me happy to share my experience over the last 7 years of being K9 activity
Im Thess! New to the whole story without any experience yet and i want to meet like minded people to get to know more about it! Feel free to shoot me a dm!
Not the same Thess that used to hang at BF, are you? If So....welcome to the house, lamb....If not, oh well....but either way:

Welcome to the Pasture, miss...Youll find a lot of good info, and some good people here...not everything is informative, not all users are trustworthy, though some are. The harmless ones are here just to yank the crank, but there are also those with dangerous ideas and bad intent. Please, use your head. The Mods ARE your friends. Glad you made it.
Im Thess! New to the whole story without any experience yet and i want to meet like minded people to get to know more about it! Feel free to shoot me a dm!
Hello & Welcome into the "Ville Community"
There are an awful lot of like-minded people on here, so making friends should be easy.
Take Care, Enjoy being on here & have fun👌
Welcome. Glad you are here. Ignore the jerks in the Barn... they thrive on making newcomers feel dumb, or at least a small portion of them do..and they seem to be logged on at all times.. Reach out if you have any questions..
Im Thess! New to the whole story without any experience yet and i want to meet like minded people to get to know more about it! Feel free to shoot me a dm!
Hiii, welcome to the community!!

I saw your introduction post recently and would love to help you with any questions you've got about the lifestyle and concerns of you've got any !!

would love to hear back from you any time!!