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EXIF and metadata in photos.


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
I have read a suggestion to remove the all EXIF from the photos before uploading.
Because EXIF contains information, not only about how the picture is taken.
But the location of the photo is also in the metadata !

My suggestion : add a function to ZooVille that automatically removes all metadata before shown on the site.
I have read a suggestion to remove the all EXIF from the photos before uploading.
Because EXIF contains information, not only about how the picture is taken.
But the location of the photo is also in the metadata !

My suggestion : add a function to ZooVille that automatically removes all metadata before shown on the site.
The site removes EXIF data from images when you post them. That, according to a site mod, the name of whom escapes me.
It was a comment on a forum thread.
EXIF data "should be" wiped from any picture/video media 10-15 minutes after the content has been posted. I believe it is added into a queue, worked on, and then scrubbed. But best practice is to remove it yourself before posting because your file will be vulnerable until 10-15 minutes after posting, and there is always a small possibility that your file could get skipped/overlooked by the forum software.
EXIF data "should be" wiped from any picture/video media 10-15 minutes after the content has been posted. I believe it is added into a queue, worked on, and then scrubbed. But best practice is to remove it yourself before posting because your file will be vulnerable until 10-15 minutes after posting, and there is always a small possibility that your file could get skipped/overlooked by the forum software.
Thanks for the clarification, Floofy.
EXIF data "should be" wiped from any picture/video media 10-15 minutes after the content has been posted. I believe it is added into a queue, worked on, and then scrubbed. But best practice is to remove it yourself before posting because your file will be vulnerable until 10-15 minutes after posting, and there is always a small possibility that your file could get skipped/overlooked by the forum software.
I have read in ZooVille rules from 22 October 2020.
In section - Helpful tips is written how to remove EXIF from the pictures.
But NOTHING about that ZooVille does it for us.
So unless Doglover101 (staff member) is mistaken or since then added this function, then we still have to remove them ourselves.
And how do we remove them ?
the only reliable way i've found is with this ffmpeg script:
