Oh course I still prefer dogs, but I did grow up with cats... a whole lotta cats actually, and I do like 'em. Every single one of them has their own personality, quirks, and abnormalities.
Some of them were as you say, "I approach you" if they like you, and typically they were the types that only liked 1 or 2 people in the family. Others would literally cuddle, rub up against, and wanted to be petted by everyone that walked through the door, whether stranger or friend. And of course you have those that liked everyone in the family, but would hide under the bed at the sight of strangers.
You also have your playful cats, your lazy cats, your active cats, your friendly cats, your douche bag cats (sometimes to you, sometimes to other cats, or sometimes both), you have cats that will chase the bugs and mice, you have cats that will literally look at bug crawling across the floor and do nothing about it. You really never know what personality a cat will have until you get to know them or they get to know you. Sometimes you'll get a cat that is ruggedly independent, and sometimes you'll get a cat that likely wouldn't survive in the wild for more than 4 months without you.
Over the years we've had cats that didn't really care for me, cats that liked everyone including me, and even a couple of cats that chose me as their favorite out of everyone in the family... even over my mom who was literally the hand that fed them. Lol. While I may have cats again some day, for now and the foreseeable future I'll just stick with dogs. Can't go wrong with a canine or two.