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Everybody is a zoo ?

Hello! So, lately when passing by people with their dogs, I found myself thinking wondering if they're zoo too. Like, the most recent was probably 4-5 days ago, while I was at an icecream stall with my sister: there was this girl (probably my age, so 20-25) with her dobermann and my first thought was about them sharing an intimate relationship.

I understand that's not even a year that I'm doing stuff with my dog, but it never happened to me to think those stuff of other people. Also, well, the past 40 days have been really rough since I've been overworking at first (store owner at the hospital) and then sad for my employer who passed away, so not really in the mood for some action with my dog - tbh he's been ignoring me too lately.

Could it be am I just overthinking stuff because of the lack of intimacy with my doggy? Aaand, anyone else struggling with those thoughts?
Hello! So, lately when passing by people with their dogs, I found myself thinking wondering if they're zoo too. Like, the most recent was probably 4-5 days ago, while I was at an icecream stall with my sister: there was this girl (probably my age, so 20-25) with her dobermann and my first thought was about them sharing an intimate relationship.

I understand that's not even a year that I'm doing stuff with my dog, but it never happened to me to think those stuff of other people. Also, well, the past 40 days have been really rough since I've been overworking at first (store owner at the hospital) and then sad for my employer who passed away, so not really in the mood for some action with my dog - tbh he's been ignoring me too lately.

Could it be am I just overthinking stuff because of the lack of intimacy with my doggy? Aaand, anyone else struggling with those thoughts?
I have been wondering that a lot more now when I see females with their dogs also!! Sorry that things aren’t going so well with your mate!!
Yeah no. That’s like saying everyone is secretly gay or bisexual. It’s just not true, but it’s not uncommon for minorities like zoos to project stuff like that
we're a pretty small portion of the population.
And the answer is: No, they are not.
In fact only about 4% of human population are zoos.
Yeah no. That’s like saying everyone is secretly gay or bisexual. It’s just not true, but it’s not uncommon for minorities like zoos to project stuff like that
Of course not everyone is a zoofile lol. I was just asking if it's normal for those thoughts to happen...
Idk, so many women have dogs growing up, I think the amount of women who have gotten at least, eaten out by rover is larger than people think. Be it accident or a one time thing. My friend caught me once I hope she didn't tell anyone ? she once asked me tho, I forgot how I answered. And a nother friend brought up how a college friend was trying to justify it. That's like 3 women who are judgment free and just curious. Who could also just be masking, cause I would deny it too.
Hello! So, lately when passing by people with their dogs, I found myself thinking wondering if they're zoo too. Like, the most recent was probably 4-5 days ago, while I was at an icecream stall with my sister: there was this girl (probably my age, so 20-25) with her dobermann and my first thought was about them sharing an intimate relationship.

I understand that's not even a year that I'm doing stuff with my dog, but it never happened to me to think those stuff of other people. Also, well, the past 40 days have been really rough since I've been overworking at first (store owner at the hospital) and then sad for my employer who passed away, so not really in the mood for some action with my dog - tbh he's been ignoring me too lately.

Could it be am I just overthinking stuff because of the lack of intimacy with my doggy? Aaand, anyone else struggling with those thoughts?
You're suffering from "Blue car syndrome". You've gone out and bought yourself a nice, new, blue car, and now you (think) you see blue cars *EVERYWHERE*. Bad news: It ain't so. There's still the same number of blue cars on the road - that hasn't changed a bit (well, OK, the total number of blue cars on the road increased by exactly one - yours) What HAS changed is your AWARENESS of blue-cars has been ratcheted up to 11, then somebody came along and snapped the knobs off, and now all you *CAN* see are blue cars. It's not that other color cars don't exist, it's just that YOU don't NOTICE them, 'cause you're a proud new blue car owner, and since blue cars are so important to you as a new blue car owner, that's all you notice - the blue ones.

After a few years, when your nice new blue car has started to become a tired old blue clunker, you'll suddenly notice "shit... where have all the blue cars gone?" and you MIGHT realize "Oh, they didn't go anywhere - I just stopped noticing them as much as I used to when MY blue car was nice and new and fresh, instead of being the on-the-verge-of-broke-down clunker that it has become"
thanks for understanding ahah

It happens that i get your point and it happened to me to be honest. But the whole idea of this kind of activity is more common that someone thinks sometimes makes you think that everyone could be. I mean, using our own logic, why wouldn't they do it? i mean, you have more pros than cons when it comes to this practice, if you do it properly. But then again, our minds doesn't work like theirs and it obviously wouldn't be the same, but one just wonders... lol