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Ever met someone and suspected they were into zoo?

so I knew this girl blonde mid to late 20's about 5'3 absolutely stunning both in looks and personality!...... one night at a social sporting event, we were all at a table sitting waiting for our next match to start when a lost dog came up to us... I already knew she was a dog lover and had my fantasies going as she owned to large male Malamutes and lived alone! anyway so she's petting this little lost dog rubbing his belly etc when he starts humping her forearm we all laughed but she didn't exactly stop him until he ejaculated on her forearm! she was not fazed at all and kinda just looked at it a little before wiping it off with a little smirk telling us at the table to behave as we all laughed! after that I had strong feelings that at the very least she was into oral with her boys! we've since drifted apart.... personally I've known 3 girls that have tried it and 2 others that enjoyed watching it! it's much more common than we're led to believe! but no it's not easy to tell in my opinion!
To be honest when I see how my grandparents treated their dog (pure like an animal not much of an emotional bond), and I see how I treat my dog - like a little bro but still some sort of distance...
But then see how some people treat their dogs in the park... I through multiple times already that they are waaaay too close for just pet owners.

Especially those who's dogs have like zero discipline and run to everyone jump on everyone.
Used to have neighbors that had two beautiful dogs. One was a Weimaraner I think. The other was some other large breed. The wife had a paw print tattoo on her foot. They had this very expensive looking motor coach that they would keep in their driveway when they weren’t using it. I suspected they used it to travel and shoot videos lol. Just something about seeing her with her animals made me a little suspicious. I could be totally wrong but I remember having this feeling when I first met them and their dogs.
I had an ex that we lived together for a while before breaking up. But at the beginning of our relationship, I had a strong inkling that she was zoo. Never knew how to approach the subject but the fact that her dog would always try to mount me every chance he got, really made me think that he was getting it from somewhere and he was always with her. The longer we were together though the less I believed it as he never made any sort of moves on her while I was around. never tried sticking his nose into her, no mounting attempts, nothing. Even when we were being intimate in the bedroom he was a perfect gentleman.
To be honest when I see how my grandparents treated their dog (pure like an animal not much of an emotional bond), and I see how I treat my dog - like a little bro but still some sort of distance...
But then see how some people treat their dogs in the park... I through multiple times already that they are waaaay too close for just pet owners.

Especially those who's dogs have like zero discipline and run to everyone jump on everyone.
Some people just love their pets, they love petting and cuddling them. Not necessary zoo.
I just recently found out that a buddy we play DND with is also zoo lmao talk about small world. This only came out after I came out to my friend group. They were like hey btw did you know that what's his name is like that too? Lol
I was walking my pit (years ago) at Lake merrit and this guy walked up and was like, she is sooooo beautiful!
We started chatting and he asked has she had pups? I said no, and he said "her pussy is very fat" and I said yes, just how It should be hahaha
and He said does she go into heat? I said Yup. And his response was, can we hang out? Hahahhah I laughed it off and walked away.
I thought a much older co-worker I enjoyed working with might be a zoo. She was a pistol that had no qualms about telling off the men that would hit on her during her shift. She lived by herself on a small homestead with her chickens and some pets, and we often shared the sentiment that, on the whole, animals are better company than people.
I’ve met two people I suspected were zoo, one came out to me pretty easily, and were both zoo and that’s great! the other never said anything so he may not be, but I’m still curious if he just didn’t want to come out- I don’t ask if they’re zoo, just say that I would never judge anyone for anything : )