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East anglia uk

Hi female here from the east of England ???????
Welcome to the Bawn, miss...Youll find a lot of good info, and some good people here...not everything is informative, not all users are trustworthy, though some are. The harmless ones are here to yank the crank, but there are also those with dangerous ideas and bad intent. Use your head. And the Mods ARE your friends. Glad you made it.
We're thrilled to have you join us! This is a place where ideas flourish, friendships are forged, and support is always available. Whether you're here to learn, share, or simply enjoy good company, we hope you find your time with us fulfilling and engaging
Welcome to the zooville community, lady

Zooville is a very special place. Zooville is a beautiful garden. But like every garden, Zooville has a flowers and thorns. So, adorn your heart with the most beautiful flowers and stay away from thorns. ;)

Another tips:
-make good friends
-learn good things
-share good feelings
-stay safe o the internet
-love animals
-read the community rules

enjoy and be happy, lady ;)