Hi there male from the north EastHi female here from the east of England ???????
Heya nice nice to have you hereHi female here from the east of England ???????
Hi there love to chat sometimeHi female here from the east of England ???????
AnytimeHi there love to chat sometime
Welcome to the Bawn, miss...Youll find a lot of good info, and some good people here...not everything is informative, not all users are trustworthy, though some are. The harmless ones are here to yank the crank, but there are also those with dangerous ideas and bad intent. Use your head. And the Mods ARE your friends. Glad you made it.Hi female here from the east of England ???????
I’m new curious to this so sorry if I ask lots of questions!Anytime
Hi SJAnytime
Hello I am from Norfolk. How about you?Hi female here from the east of England ???????