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Due my ignorance explain me some feature of zoo porn in internet, please.


1- What’s is the point of those hundreds of site where no video can be play, instead, it take you to another site, and you play a vid and take you to another site, and this to another site, endlessly. You could think it’s all about add, but not publicity advertise in those website. (Do you identify which sites are them? Is there’s a way to avoid them?)

2- Why many zoo porn sites have absolutely changed names? No one name belongs to the proper vid we are playing-

3-What is the point of private profile? Why someone wants to share vids with some people an not with others. And what is the criterion to decide people as your "friend"?

1. Its the porn industry and porn site hosters trying to leech traffic - Maybe you should ask them why they are so retard.

Very few actual zoo porn producers exist now and they dont have any connection with the amateur sites where vids are reshared and remuxed to extinction.

3. If youre referring to FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE!, that site is hacked from all of its vids and pics in under 5min even with no knowledge of IT.
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1) Any site that redirects like that, in my book, are shady. If a site does that, I usually find another site.

2) Can't say for certain, but maybe it's because the videos on the sites are stolen or reuploads.

3) It could be that those videos have owner faces in them or identifiable animals or backgrounds. If not, it could just be stinginess.