Dogs are more amazing than you know.

A question came to me the other day. It is whether dogs, like humans and cetaceans, have regional accents or dialects? It turns out they do and they learn it from us (sort of).
They also understand different languages.
It's a thing I have been thinking for long, but I am glad you brought this here. I realised dogs of different countries bark like different, even in my own country... I thought it was just me, but I can see maybe I am not as crazy as I thought I was
I noticed this when I took a trip to Europe a while ago. I was out walking late at night and noticed a dog barking in someone's backyard. Of course, me being a legally questionable tourist, I peered through the back fence and looked at the dog. Surprisingly enough, it was a husky malamute, which is the same breed of dog I have. However, her bark was very different from my dog's. Now, this could have been the result of any number of reasons, but at the time (and since then) I've just recognized it as "barking in a different accent".