My woman after a night of sex took the dog a bunch of times then me 2 times after woke up and said she is swollen down there and it feels like a bee sting... This is the second time first mount I'm not sure how much got in her.... It was for a longer period of time (hours total) this 2nd time... This time he would come out and go back in a bit then we both had sex 2 times after this... The dog has licked her many times with no issues.... She said the area is swollen but he was a bit jabby doing it last night. She has no known allergies to animals... She washed up before me and her final round (because i am allergic to dog dander if he licks me i get bumps)... first time nothing either... I'm guessing not allergy but to much rough sex.... she said he accidently put it in her butt 2 of the like 14 times...