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Do dogs know the differende between a vagina and an anus?

Hi i have allway wondered, do dogs know the difference between a vagina and an anus?
I know that dogs recognize our gender, so they know whether we are male or female. Dogs can apparently both smell and visually detect this. So dogs already know whether they are mounting a man or a woman.
But when a dog is licking or mounting you, do dogs know whether it's an anus or a vagina? Can they smell, taste or see the difference?
Hi i have allway wondered, do dogs know the difference between a vagina and an anus?
I know that dogs recognize our gender, so they know whether we are male or female. Dogs can apparently both smell and visually detect this. So dogs already know whether they are mounting a man or a woman.
But when a dog is licking or mounting you, do dogs know whether it's an anus or a vagina? Can they smell, taste or see the difference?
I don't think they care tbh. The natural instinct is to mount and reproduce lol. It's something I've never thought about?! And I've bred dogs lot of years lol. But now it's got me thinking 🤔
Hi i have allway wondered, do dogs know the difference between a vagina and an anus?
I know that dogs recognize our gender, so they know whether we are male or female. Dogs can apparently both smell and visually detect this. So dogs already know whether they are mounting a man or a woman.
But when a dog is licking or mounting you, do dogs know whether it's an anus or a vagina? Can they smell, taste or see the difference?
It's an interesting question! While dogs do have a strong sense of smell and can distinguish between different scents, it's not clear whether they can specifically identify the difference between a vagina and an anus. However, dogs are also very visual creatures – they use their eyes to communicate with each other as well as humans. So it's possible that they may be able to tell the difference based on appearance alone. For example, if you were wearing clothing or underwear that made your genital area more visible (either because of color or shape), then a dog might be able to recognize this distinction.
I don't think they care. The natural instinct is to ascend and reproduce, lol. This is something I never thought about?! And I bred dogs for many years lol. But now it makes me think🤔
Yes, I also believe that in the end it doesn't matter to the dogs whether their sex partner is male or female or whether they penetrate an anus or a vagina, as long as it is warm and wet. I just think to myself, dogs are intelligent animals, and if a hole looks and tastes like feces, then they should actually be aware that it's not a vagina, whether it's a human or a dog's. Even if the dogs don't care at all in the end, I think they might be aware of what a hole it is.
Yes, I also believe that in the end it doesn't matter to the dogs whether their sex partner is male or female or whether they penetrate an anus or a vagina, as long as it is warm and wet. I just think to myself, dogs are intelligent animals, and if a hole looks and tastes like feces, then they should actually be aware that it's not a vagina, whether it's a human or a dog's. Even if the dogs don't care at all in the end, I think they might be aware of what a hole it is.
Yes they must do! But once cock hard it's case of who cares!! Haha
It's an interesting question! While dogs do have a strong sense of smell and can distinguish between different scents, it's not clear whether they can specifically identify the difference between a vagina and an anus. However, dogs are also very visual creatures – they use their eyes to communicate with each other as well as humans. So it's possible that they may be able to tell the difference based on appearance alone. For example, if you were wearing clothing or underwear that made your genital area more visible (either because of color or shape), then a dog might be able to recognize this distinction.
Dogs can only see blue yellow. Lol best be that range! 🤣
I think they do. Do they care? Probably not usually. Do they have a preference? I think they’d prefer a clean anus since it has a ring like a female but they’d probably prefer a vagina over a dirty anus due to their sensitive smell and sensitive dick since shits not always smooth. Regardless of which entry, most would also probably prefer a woman over a man, but again, would be fine with either. A warm hole is a warm hole. They’d definitely be able to smell/taste a difference, who wouldn’t.
I'm sure they can smell the difference. They have a much sharper sense of smell with us, and probably also file memories or identities of the other animal (human animal) along with the scent.
While generalizations can be made, all dogs have slightly different tendencies, and I bet that some that have only had female lovers might not associate male body scent, and a lack of vagina scent, with a human they will get a chance to mount.

On the other hand, I bet a good many that have only smelled, then penetrated a vagina, would still hop up and hump a bare ass regardless of which hole is available.

Animals often move a little slower when something is not familiar. You can see them figuring it out, but some will just go right on as if nothing is different.

I suspect that dogs that only have experience mounting women still like the scent and taste of ass too. You can see in a ton of homemade vids that the dogs often lick the woman's ass a lot. Some almost gnaw on it, and the woman is sometimes seen trying to hurry the dog up and move on from licking to mounting. Some seem to lick ass more than pussy, even though they slide into the pussy.

You can see some dogs that know the women really well, go a bit slower and find the vagina. They sort of know the height, and even possibly the ease of entry. Which hole they enter is very often about the angle of the human's body, though, when on all fours.