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Different sexual orientations for different species?


Zooville Settler
Hello friends. I wanted to see who out there identifies their sexual orientation differently based on the species they are with. For example, I am a straight male. I like to have sex with women. With dogs I am gay. I am sadly a zoo virgin but I want to have sex with a male dog. So straight human / gay zoo.

Is this a thing that other people find too or are most straight or gay no matter the species. Or maybe it varies by the animal too. Just curious
When it comes to humans I'm only attracted to other women but when it comes to animals I'm only attracted to males.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with different orientations with different species. I was beginning to wonder if maybe I was bi and didn't know it or if maybe I was just weird.
Hello friends. I wanted to see who out there identifies their sexual orientation differently based on the species they are with. For example, I am a straight male. I like to have sex with women. With dogs I am gay. I am sadly a zoo virgin but I want to have sex with a male dog. So straight human / gay zoo.

Is this a thing that other people find too or are most straight or gay no matter the species. Or maybe it varies by the animal too. Just curious
I’m the same way as you. However I don’t categorize myself as anything other then myself. It easier that way. There are no actual words for the mixed bag of us mostly because the world couldn’t care less about us. But if I was going to take a crack at it I would say straight to human/ gay too zoo. That would just make it an easier distinction between the human animal bridge as a whole.
For people and some animals I'm gay and have no interest in the opposite sex. But other animals I'd say I'm more bi.
For example guys and dogs I want that dick and am not really interested in the females. Anything bigger like cows or such I'd happily jump on either sex
I'm very much a 7 and flamong rainbow gay on the Kinsey scale in the human world, but I would say 5 with animals. I would enjoy the sexual company of either gender animal though male preferred if given the choice.
I dont know wtf I am, nor do I really care to define myself. I dont think Im exclusively "oriented". Im pretty fluid. But I do have some standards & preferences. With humans I like girls(mostly cis but also MtFtrans), and twink guys, and hypothetically FtM trans if they stay fem/twink(probably rare lol). Just be hot, slim, smooth and feminine; male or female. I dont like masculine traits on the human side(sexually). And I dont like fat. But I do enjoy alpha(male) traits in canines and other animals. I'll also sub for beasts but not for guys.

With animals I also go both ways, but certain species or even breeds I'll prefer some male and others female. Like canines, I mostly prefer males. But within that, like dobermans for example, I only want males, but with a dalmatian I want a female. With large felines I definitely prefer female. I'll have sex with any human or animal Im attracted to basically regardless of gender/gender identity. Body type/personality or breed/species is more important to me than gender.