so for the past eight years I’ve had significant depression and on and off again suicidal ideation (where someone fantasizes about suicide but doesn’t really plan to harm themselves). It got to the point where I pulled away from friend groups and no longer speak to most people I used to hang with because I thought if I took my life it would be easier for them. my depression is mostly from PTSD, family losses, as well as falling in love with the wrong person (unrequited love) which was probably the most painful experience in my life.
The fact that now I’m 40 years old and a zoo doesn’t help because it really limits the prospects for romance and human companionship.
i’m just wondering if anyone else is going through depression and what you’ve done to try to take the edge off.
I’ve fought depression for the last 26 of my 37 years. I have my good days, bad days or weeks or months… years even. I’ve also been to the edge and contemplated taking those final steps. But, I’ve lost several friends and family to suicide. It’s one of the biggest killers of men 18-40.
It’s a brutal emotional and psychological rollercoaster that for each of us is a one of a kind experience. Our experiences may be very similar but they are not the same.
This also applies to the coping mechanisms and methods we employ to manage our hood and bad days. What may work for one, may not work for another.
It’s important to understand what may trigger it, and try to find ways to manage it as best you can. When trying a new way to manage or improve your mental well being, be mindful that by solving one problem you aren’t inadvertently creating a new problem.
An example of this, is if someone turned excessive alcohol/drug consumption - again, I’ve been there.
Medication isn’t for everyone, and therapy may only work if you’re committed and/or the therapist is listening and guiding you correctly. I’ve found talking helps the most.
Talking to complete strangers, who may offer to listen, and have no knowledge of your situation (preconceptions of you) are the best ones for the job.
(Apologies for the excessively wordy response)