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Dealing with dog humping

Hey everyone! So, I've been a lurker here for a while. By pure happenstance I ended up recently adopting an intact male dog. He's a big sweetheart, absolutely adorable, and quite horny.

The last part would be great...except that I don't live by myself. My roommates, who take care of him while I'm at work, are not zoos. He loves to try humping people's legs and arms to signal that he wants some special attention. For some reason he humps them first, they tell him no, and than he comes to me. I can't exactly encourage this in front of my roommates, so I take him to my private part of the residence "so he can cool off" ... which is exactly what he does :gsd_tired:. Once we're alone he immediately calms down and gets mopey like he's being punished. It's not been very long but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to let him know it's o.k. to hump once we're alone. I've been thinking about encouraging it with some belly rubs but I don't want to force it.

Any advice?
Ignore his humps and tell your friends to do the same. It is normal that animals refuse sex, you are not going to damage your relationship.
Do not respond aggressively to his attempts at inconvenient time, just take him off yourself and stand up or change position so he can not continue. And your friends should do the same.
If a female dog does not want a male humping her, she snaps at him and sits down or lays down or turns around. It is a completely ok response. Except you are not going to be snapping your jaws in his face.
And then only respond to this request for sex when you can.
Dogs do hump. It is normal and most "normal" people do not see it as something sexual (even though it actually is sexual in many cases :)).

Just ignore him, change your position (if he starts humping when you sit, just stand or turn around) or gently push him of you.

Do not use force or punish him. It is not necessary and would actually damage your relationship.

Also give him a nice handjob when you are alone with him, so he won't become sexually frustrated.

Most dogs I have spent my life with have quickly learned that if they are horny, I can relieve their horniness, but not when other people are around. What also helps is to have a "special place" (ideally a private place, for example your room) where this happens. Dogs are not stupid and even though they can try being sexual with other people, they stop it if they see no positive response.
Humping? I know this from my own experience, all started because my doggie tried to hump on me 😂
If You wanna reduce humps, best way is to push im off (gently) or change your position and say "No!". Dogs should know what they can do in public and what behaviours are not appropriate. Humping is not always related with sexual needs.
Try to boost your dog physical activities like long walks, running, go and fetch plays. Anything what make him busy and drain his energy. Young dogs have full of energy and they are unhappy with lack of activities.
Hey everyone! So, I've been a lurker here for a while. By pure happenstance I ended up recently adopting an intact male dog. He's a big sweetheart, absolutely adorable, and quite horny.

The last part would be great...except that I don't live by myself. My roommates, who take care of him while I'm at work, are not zoos. He loves to try humping people's legs and arms to signal that he wants some special attention. For some reason he humps them first, they tell him no, and than he comes to me. I can't exactly encourage this in front of my roommates, so I take him to my private part of the residence "so he can cool off" ... which is exactly what he does :gsd_tired:. Once we're alone he immediately calms down and gets mopey like he's being punished. It's not been very long but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to let him know it's o.k. to hump once we're alone. I've been thinking about encouraging it with some belly rubs but I don't want to force it.

Any advice?
An important tip: always "play sexually" with him in the same place, with the same clothes, with the same perfume. This way he will understand these signals as heat. Without these signs it behaves normally. At inappropriate times, say a simple "NOT" looking at him. He will learn to differentiate.
An important tip: always "play sexually" with him in the same place, with the same clothes, with the same perfume. This way he will understand these signals as heat. .

Yes it's true! I mentioned about stopping humps. But If You still need dog humps in certain circumstances - tip above are perfect! Especially about clothing and place 😊