I've actually managed to rub off a pair of female rats and it was an eye-opening and unique experience, although it's more funny than erotic. Pet rats aren't above being courted even by females, or even a human hand. You approach her with your hand (or you lay it on her rear) when she's in heat, and she commences her courting behavior: hopping around like a bunny (looks very unmistakable, you can't mix it up), basically beckoning you(r hand) to chase her; have fun

If you catch her a couple times, you can "straddle" her with your hand and her lordosis reflex fires up - then you can rapidly but gently "finger tap" her little pussy with your middle finger until she's had enough a few seconds later (if you overdo it, she makes a short 'eep' and slips out of your hand on her own).
My impression is that they do get pleasure from this since they keep seeking it out; although you'd need to involve neuroscience to know how they feel for certain. Either way, they don't show any signs of discomfort from this and are in fact open to repeating it over 60 times in a single day. Sometimes they put out even before the first hop, most times after like 3-7 hops, other times she hops away to some place you can't reach (and often she returns back like "Is something wrong?") or she simply drops interest.
Before they hop, they usually seek out a visible place to lay down to attract mates - I imagine it's a rat equivalent of posing like some pinup girl. What's interesting is that they appear to seek out places within my plain sight, which would mean that they're not only actually aware of my hand as an extension of me as an entity (instead of treating my hand as the "male"), but they can notice where I'm able to spot them, which would give a lot more credit to rats' eyesight than previously recognized.
But I have little idea how you could even prompt them to pay back the favor - maybe they could lick your dick somehow? Mine weren't interested in that.