Yeah, its not going to be as many as you fantasize.
The Kinsey report back in the late 40s stated around 10% of the population had thought of or engaged in a sexual act with an animal. That number is much much lower as Kinseys study on sexuality included a very large number of inmates.
In 1975 another study was done that found it was less than 5%.
Various online studies as recent as 2014 have shown even less interest.
Personally I believe that 5% of the population would be a fair estimate. 1% of women and 4% men.
Look up the statistics for zooville on any marketing research reviewer such as similarweb. 650k people (2% of the US) logged in over 3 months, 11% women (71k) and 89% men (578k). Numerically, I now see why I was treated so horribly on this site when I announced my pregnancy last March. Whomever is in charge of marketing Zooville online really needs a rebrand specifically geared to attract women.