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Creampie flushing

No, probably not. I imagine that whatever you would try flushing with would have a bunch of risks as well. The one warning I've heard most often is to avoid sex for a couple weeks after her heat cycle to reduce the risk of pyometra.
It usually takes 1-3 days, but it will all leak out eventually. Once you cum inside of a female dog the sperm immediately separates from the ejaculate. The sperm is desperately trying to find some eggs to impregnate, and will be sorely disappointed! Lol

The ejaculate will be flushed out by her urinating. The sperm on the other hand is normally absorbed by the mucus lining of the uterus/vaginal tract once it dies, then it's processed, and then urinated out of the body as waste. Also, don't give an enema to a female canine, it'll likely just throw off her natural pH balance, leaving her vulnerable to infections.