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Crazy cat lady Omegle [WARNING]

So many of you might not know but on omegle a user on the cam side of omegle under the furry tag is killing cats and kittens. Showing skinned cats(freshly) as well as skulls with eyes still inside the skull. She is a sick individual and goes by Omegle Crazy Cat Lady, just be careful and lets hope we can bring her to justice

One of many sources, just Google omegle cat lady or look it up on YouTube.

Glad they removed the videos, no one should ever have to see any animal being abused like that, nor should those animals get abused.

Her "reasoning", AKA excuse, is to make people feel afraid, for whatever reason. She also states that she was abused - that's never a valid reason to abuse anyone, animal or human. She should've went for counseling instead. Now if she's found, she'll be lucky if she ends up in a psych ward instead.

Maybe the abuse got to her head and she lost it and went into psychosis... no point in speculating though.