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Could dog semen inside human vagina/anus increase the likeliness of cancer in these areas?

So the study used 118 men with cancer. Pretty small sample in my opinion.
I think I stated how incredible that study was in... two? three forums? since.
I mean... seriously...

500 men.... 118 patients with penile cancer and 374 healthy control men. Sex with animals was reported in 44.9% of men with penile cancer and 31.6% of controls

I mean... 118+374=492, so there are 8 unhealthy people who do not suffer penile cancer, which is fine but needs to be written.

Lets say you accept 44.9% of cancer cases are actually animal f*ckes. Right. Then you get a control group and 31.6% fuck animals?? They sure got them from Zooville City. (Also, I recall lower values on the original version 🤔 Like 3 out of 20 or 30 which us already ridiculously high))

Now, go get the incidence of penile cancer. 2 per 100.000 year tops. Imagine how to get 118 patients?

Then, penile cancer is usually linked with higiene and a few more factors unrelated to the one at hand.
I am talking about all those added factors mentioned in the same study on the "results" chapter
(this one has a better summary, btw)
Need to create a procedure to isolate those factors from the one you try to correlate.

I recall there were random conclusdions in saying the difference in textures from the intended partner could cause the cancer. Right, do not use your hand, let alone fuck some human ass, cause that is more different than a mules vagina.

There were more failed science data but I am not going through that stupid text again after all these years.

Want to toss away some time of your life qualifying that study procedure and conclusions?
ya nutcases seem to be loud, why is it? are we prone to stupidity and/or blitz..or is it, I hop,e rational behavior less the few that cannot be rational because they fell on their heads when babies....there you go, another study, babies falling on their heads what percentage become irrational? or were they born irrational?
So the study used 118 men with cancer. Pretty small sample in my opinion.

Yup so I see
We asked 118 men with diagnosed cancer if they fucked an animal, bippity boppity boo SCIENCE.

Lazy science.

I wonder if I can get cancer, if I use my ring finger instead of my index to finger bangy asshole?

Sorry I have nothing nice to say about lazy science
Want to toss away some time of your life qualifying that study procedure and conclusions?
I'll review it later tonight. :)

EDIT: I just gave it a quick glance... ugh...
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Spending so much time in this forum can get you cancer...

But seriously... Everything can gets you cancer according to lot of studies. So I don't see the point of alarm yourself
So the study used 118 men with cancer. Pretty small sample in my opinion.
And the actual numbers suggest the opposite of their claims...
Want to toss away some time of your life qualifying that study procedure and conclusions?
So if you want that paper to be of any use... print if off and put it in your camping kit so you can use it to start a fire.

First off... lets address the 800lb gorilla in the room. This study was done in Brazil.
No offense to any Brazilians here... but your country is kinda insane.

Anyway, lets put that to the side for a moment...

Their Aim: To investigate the behavioral characteristics of sex with animals (SWA) and its associations with penile cancer (PC) in a case-control study.
Their Conclusion: SWA is a risk factor for PC and may be associated with venereal diseases.

The first major point... They did this research all backwards. If they wanted to show a link between PC and SWA, they should have done a study on those that were having SWA... and not just a random sampling of people with a condition.

Putting the condition as the focus will only lead to bad conclusions... want proof.

Lets take this same method and apply it to another detail.
Lets test 492 Men of which 118 have penile cancer. Now lets check to see how many of those men have two hands. Welp... it looks like 100% of the men that have two hands also have penile cancer... thus having two hands is a risk factor to be associated with venereal diseases.

That's literally the scientific rigor and quality of this study.

Strike 1

A true study they'd have made sure all the men being questioned were having SWA.
So lets go ahead and do that from their information and see what we can determine.
In fact we don't even need to leave the abstract. Lets look at the actual numbers we're dealing with... not percentages in carefully framed sentences... lets look at the actual numbers.

374 Healthy Men
118 Penile Cancer
= 492 total men

The reports claims: SWA was reported by 171 (34.8%) subjects, 44.9% of PC patients and 31.6% of controls. So what does that actually mean in real world numbers and not percentages that we can understand.

Out of the 492, 34.8% (171) were having sex with animals... Ok... they state that... but how does that break down into the individual groups.
44.9% of 118 Men is 53 Men
31.6% of 374 Men is 118 Men.

So we're not even out of the abstract and we can already see a major detail they ignore...
There were twice as many healthy men having sex with animals than men with penile cancer.

That simple point pretty much invalidates what they're trying to conclude.

Strike 2

But we don't have to get much further into this shitty paper to find the biggest thing they ignore.
On Page 3...
Of the men in the PC group 73.7% admitted to having sex with prostitutes. In the healthy control group that was only 63.9%.
Brazil... Get your shit together... seriously.
Ok back to the numbers... lets do the math:
73.7% of 118 Men is 87 Men
63.9% of 374 Men is 239 Men.

This means that men with PC had a higher correlation rate of having sex with prostitutes than with SWA Animals... ~61% more.

Maybe don't go sticking your dick in some nasty bitches!

Strike 3

This paper is worthless... except if you have a printed copy and need help starting a fire.

And seriously Brazil... Get your shit together... for real!

Self explanatory title

In a study from 2011, sex with animals were linked to penile cancer
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrurol.2011.186

So I was wondering if similar effects of cancer is happening to human females who have intercourse with animals
Sadly there's no study for this
Aside from the paper being total shit as I explained... even if it was accurate and valid... This study is about men having penetrative sex with animals.
Nothing in this study could be construed to made any suggestions as to the results of animals having penetrative sex with human men... even less so about animals having penetrative sex with human females.


  • Sex_with_animal_behavioral_characteristics__JSM2011.pdf
    166.4 KB · Views: 7
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And the actual numbers suggest the opposite of their claims...

So if you want that paper to be of any use... print if off and put it in your camping kit so you can use it to start a fire.

First off... lets address the 800lb gorilla in the room. This study was done in Brazil.
No offense to any Brazilians here... but your country is kinda insane.

Anyway, lets put that to the side for a moment...

Their Aim: To investigate the behavioral characteristics of sex with animals (SWA) and its associations with penile cancer (PC) in a case-control study.
Their Conclusion: SWA is a risk factor for PC and may be associated with venereal diseases.

The first major point... They did this research all backwards. If they wanted to show a link between PC and SWA, they should have done a study on those that were having SWA... and not just a random sampling of people with a condition.

Putting the condition as the focus will only lead to bad conclusions... want proof.

Lets take this same method and apply it to another detail.
Lets test 492 Men of which 118 have penile cancer. Now lets check to see how many of those men have two hands. Welp... it looks like 100% of the men that have two hands also have penile cancer... thus having two hands is a risk factor to be associated with venereal diseases.

That's literally the scientific rigor and quality of this study.

Strike 1

A true study they'd have made sure all the men being questioned were having SWA.
So lets go ahead and do that from their information and see what we can determine.
In fact we don't even need to leave the abstract. Lets look at the actual numbers we're dealing with... not percentages in carefully framed sentences... lets look at the actual numbers.

374 Healthy Men
118 Penile Cancer
= 492 total men

The reports claims: SWA was reported by 171 (34.8%) subjects, 44.9% of PC patients and 31.6% of controls. So what does that actually mean in real world numbers and not percentages that we can understand.

Out of the 492, 34.8% (171) were having sex with animals... Ok... they state that... but how does that break down into the individual groups.
44.9% of 118 Men is 53 Men
31.6% of 374 Men is 118 Men.

So we're not even out of the abstract and we can already see a major detail they ignore...
There were twice as many healthy men having sex with animals than men with penile cancer.

That simple point pretty much invalidates what they're trying to conclude.

Strike 2

But we don't have to get much further into this shitty paper to find the biggest thing they ignore.
On Page 3...
Of the men in the PC group 73.7% admitted to having sex with prostitutes. In the healthy control group that was only 63.9%.
Brazil... Get your shit together... seriously.
Ok back to the numbers... lets do the math:
73.7% of 118 Men is 87 Men
63.9% of 374 Men is 239 Men.

This means that men with PC had a higher correlation rate of having sex with prostitutes than with SWA Animals... ~61% more.

Maybe don't go sticking your dick in some nasty bitches!

Strike 3

This paper is worthless... except if you have a printed copy and need help starting a fire.

And seriously Brazil... Get your shit together... for real!

Aside from the paper being total shit as I explained... even if it was accurate and valid... This study is about men having penetrative sex with animals.
Nothing in this study could be construed to made any suggestions as to the results of animals having penetrative sex with human men... even less so about animals having penetrative sex with human females.

Yea I thought so. It seemed like a very lazy approach to attempt to reach a predetermined conclusion.