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Coping with being unattractive to dogs + having no animals in my life? :(

Hi there. I'm a rather sad girl, with an even sadder past, as my name says... I usually don't post much, usually I just lurk, but right now
I need some advice + to get something off my chest.

I'm a feline therian, meaning I identify as (or, more accurately, identify with) a cat. Rather paradoxically, though, I've only ever been interested in dogs... alas, no dog I've lived with has ever been attracted to me, and thus have never gotten to be with a dog sexually.

Our family dogs were never interested in me, despite the advances I made on them. Our female bull terrier never consented to any of my occasional rare attempts at sexually bonding with her over the years (I did it maybe once or twice a year since I was a child), and our male mixed-breed dog was so skittish that I never even tried.
Dogs in general are rarely ever friendly to me... some are, but the vast majority tend to bark at me and/or seem more interested in other people.
Am I right in believing that I'm generally
unattractive to the species which I am most attracted to (other than humans, of course, who generally seem to find me attractive)? Should I just give up hope of ever being in a romantic or sexual relationship with a dog?

As for the second part of the question...
I was kicked out of my home by my mother (due to my addiction issues, not due to being caught or anything) and thus was separated from my beloved pet cat/sorta-boyfriend Atari. I was homeless for a while, and now live with a friend who was able to provide me with a safe, clean space to recover from my terrible substance abuse issues and psychological trauma.
Even though the place I live is the safest and most comfortable environment I've ever lived in, it's marred by an unfortunate lack of animal companions which I could spend time with.
I miss my Atari so much... my mother insists that he is "her cat" now, and so I can never live with him again :( I don't know what to do, I will definitely find another cat to be my companion once I have my own private home, but it'll be such a long time before I can do that that I sometimes worry it'll never be possible...

How do I cope with these 2 sad facts about my life?
Sorry about the wall of text... I just kinda started pouring my heart out and thus ended up making this post way longer than I intended originally...
no dog I've lived with has ever been attracted to me
Dog are not sexually attracted to people. So this is not a problem.
You need to learn how be fun for a dog. Just like with any other animal. If the dog does not want to interact with you, get some treats, toys, smile, act happy... you can get to almost any animal with the right tasty food and start building trust from there.
How do I cope with these 2 sad facts about my life?
You will have to get a job, stable life and then your own pet.
Hi there. I'm a rather sad girl, with an even sadder past, as my name says... I usually don't post much, usually I just lurk, but right now
I need some advice + to get something off my chest.

I'm a feline therian, meaning I identify as (or, more accurately, identify with) a cat. Rather paradoxically, though, I've only ever been interested in dogs... alas, no dog I've lived with has ever been attracted to me, and thus have never gotten to be with a dog sexually.

Our family dogs were never interested in me, despite the advances I made on them. Our female bull terrier never consented to any of my occasional rare attempts at sexually bonding with her over the years (I did it maybe once or twice a year since I was a child), and our male mixed-breed dog was so skittish that I never even tried.
Dogs in general are rarely ever friendly to me... some are, but the vast majority tend to bark at me and/or seem more interested in other people.
Am I right in believing that I'm generally
unattractive to the species which I am most attracted to (other than humans, of course, who generally seem to find me attractive)? Should I just give up hope of ever being in a romantic or sexual relationship with a dog?

As for the second part of the question...
I was kicked out of my home by my mother (due to my addiction issues, not due to being caught or anything) and thus was separated from my beloved pet cat/sorta-boyfriend Atari. I was homeless for a while, and now live with a friend who was able to provide me with a safe, clean space to recover from my terrible substance abuse issues and psychological trauma.
Even though the place I live is the safest and most comfortable environment I've ever lived in, it's marred by an unfortunate lack of animal companions which I could spend time with.
I miss my Atari so much... my mother insists that he is "her cat" now, and so I can never live with him again :( I don't know what to do, I will definitely find another cat to be my companion once I have my own private home, but it'll be such a long time before I can do that that I sometimes worry it'll never be possible...

How do I cope with these 2 sad facts about my life?
Sorry about the wall of text... I just kinda started pouring my heart out and thus ended up making this post way longer than I intended originally...
Yeah, pretty much what Pes already said. Once you are stable enough to support yourself without issue, and have the space and resources to care for a dog, then you can start to consider adopting one.

I will tell you this, other people’s dogs will not connect with on even the most remote level with you as they do their people, as they are not your dog. Once you raise a dog of your own, and you develop a special bond with that dog one on one, you will notice a big difference for the better. If you’re doing things right anyway, that is.