Hello everybody,
A rather special question addressed to women present here and who have relationships with their canine friends. You certainly know that copulation of two different species cannot produce a fetus. However, a chimera can indeed be produced and divide a few times before being expelled during a bleed. If it divides enough, it can form a small lump. My question is therefore, to you ladies who copulate with your boys, when the relationship takes place while you are fertile, have you noticed, sometimes, that a small mass of this kind escapes from your vagina a few days after ?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
A rather special question addressed to women present here and who have relationships with their canine friends. You certainly know that copulation of two different species cannot produce a fetus. However, a chimera can indeed be produced and divide a few times before being expelled during a bleed. If it divides enough, it can form a small lump. My question is therefore, to you ladies who copulate with your boys, when the relationship takes place while you are fertile, have you noticed, sometimes, that a small mass of this kind escapes from your vagina a few days after ?
Thanks in advance for your answers.