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Can dog saliva get me to fall sick ?

I have ot heard anything about this and I do kiss my dog now and love it especally when we are just trying to relax together its a nice feeling and makes me feel super close with him
Unless the dog is sick or licks/eats dirty things while brought out for a walk, his saliva won't cause any problem.
I usually get kissed and had problems.
wrong, very wrong. You have no problem becuase YOUR body does not have immuno dysfunction, The bacteria are in all dogs, healthy or other wise.
Well actualy, (s)he said they "...kissed and had problems." So there ya' go.

Salty Loves His Golden... 🐕
I forgot to mention that dog saliva can clog your ears from the tubes in your throat. I haven't had an ear infection from that but I've been worried about it happening. I think it would be less likely to happen if kissing from an upright position but I haven't tested it.
I have the same concern every time I eat soup 😛

Ok, you are reaching on those.
I think the question is more about the saliva itself. Much like a vegan asking if meat can make you sick and telling, "yes, if it is rotten. Or contaminated with something toxic when cooked"

You sure would be right at it but possibly not the point of asking. :)
If a dog goes in 10 seconds from chewing on a dead thing to kissing you, I think that would make you sick. My theory is it takes time for nasty stuff that dogs lick to get taken care of by their body. I'm not sure how much time, but I try to kiss my dogs a while after they've been outside.

I have gone to some extremes with this by letting dogs lick as far into my throat as they can reach (I have big dogs), and they draw blood by the abrasiveness of their tongues and how excitedly they lick without ever getting tired. I've had an infection in my throat that lasted a few days, rare sores in my mouth, and I've had tonsils swell up a few times. The lymph nodes in my neck have swollen before. Nothing major. By far it is most likely for there to be no issues at all, even minor. The skin inside my mouth will shed if it's been licked hard enough and my lips can become hard and crack for a couple days just as part of the natural healing process.

I think getting sick is a very individual thing based on your immune system. I don't recommend trying this if you don't feel your body's defenses are strong.
I have dealt with ALL of these symptoms, lol. Still gonna make out with my dog every time we fuck. Ive been working to brush her teeth more hoping that might help disinfect her mouth a bit, but i dont know much abiut doggie toothpaste
It can be since bacterias are likely to be found in their saliva but it doesnt mean that when your dog kisses you one time you will get immediately sick it depends on hygiene of dog.
Well actualy, (s)he said they "...kissed and had problems." So there ya' go.

Salty Loves His Golden... 🐕
Would you mind sharing some knowledge / opinions? --->What are your opinions of a dog licking the penis / ass. Does all of this still apply? I haven't tried it yet due to FEAR, but ive always let my dog lick my mouth. I keep her as clean as possible. Never had any issues. She's licked my mouth, face, and even some of the cuts and scrapes ive gotten from playing with her (not sexual playing)--(i dont volunteer her to but its happened). Im nervous to take the first step into allowing her to lick my dick/balls/ass. SHE tries OFTEN but i never allow. She will runb up yo me while i change to try.. What are the risks of this? I dont want to risk a life long illness or something that can cut my life short. But i would love to have some romance with her. Ive dreamt of it for soooooo many years. Recently made a post about questions on this topic t if you want to check it out
I love making out with dogs and especially the feeling of having their saliva in my mouth. Could that cause me to fall sick ? Was curious and wanted to know if anyone is aware of the science behind it
Done it many times too and it hasn't gotten me sick so I'm not entirely sure
If it worries you so much, make teeth brushing or encourage drinking water a part of your pre-sex routine. If anything it'll give you pup incentive to let you handle his mouth.