I know I've seen him in several movies and TV shows (more TV shows than movies, I'm pretty sure), but I'll be damned if I can put a name to him - Anybody? This grab is from the cold open of Star Trek: Deep Space 9, season 3, episode 11 "Past Tense, part 1", but if he's named in either the credits after the titles, or the end credits, I can't spot (or if I'm seeing it, I'm not recognizing it's him) his name. For some reason, "Officer Brill" was coming to mind REAL strong, but when I went looking, turned out that was dead wrong - That's Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State. It's driving me crackers trying to remember why this guy stands out so bright in my memory - what show/movie was he in that's ringing this big ol' bell in my head? I may be mistaken, but it seems to me he's usually cast as either a "flunky" of some kind, or a fairly minor secondary character, generally "sort of shady", often kinda "bumbling", but usually likable, even if he's technically a "bad guy". I'm also thinking he's appeared on Next Generation, and there's something tickling in the back of my brain that makes me want to think he was in the original Robocop - maybe as some sort of "enforcer"/"goon" type?
Never mind - Finally got a reverse image search to cough up a hit - He's "Dick Miller", and now I realize why he sticks out so bright in my mind - his most famous line of all time is probably "Hey, just what you see, pal." - Delivered right after Arnie asks him for a "Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range." - Yep, He was the nameless gun shop guy in The Terminator. He's also R.I.P. as of 2019.