Can a dog be trained to not pull out of my vagina until he is deflated?

I am fairly experienced at PiV with my dog, but not particularly informed about dog training in general. I know there is an instinctive aspect to it, but I was wondering if it might be possible to train him not to pull out until hes gone soft. Mostly I prefer his cum stay inside, and when he pulls while still big it can make a huge mess and empty me.
read up this here :)

No. Pulling on the knot it a natural and required part of sex. Pressure on the knot which is acheived by tugging on it stimulates orgasm.
He is not pulling out, you just do not have the right type of a vagina to actually use the knot how it is supposed to be used naturally.
So use your hand to hold the knot.
Do not ever use training methods for sex, animals are not sex toys.
You can try exercising him beforehand. Less energy can make him calmer during sex, but he can become too tired to do sex properly. You can try teasing him and giving him a partial handjob to spend some libido before taking him. Too much teasing and he will lose interest in full sex, and too little will not have an effect. These ideas will work differently for different dogs and would require experimentation to see if they can help.

I agree with the advice above mine. Direct dog training or going against a dog's instincts isn't good. The circumstances can be changed though.
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