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I apologize to the moderators if this is out of line, feel free to delete, but is anyone else growing bored with seeing 25 bumps of old posts/vids everyday?!?
I think in some threads it’s OK. Like the porn threads I think it’s fine to revitalize some good porn. And something like the introduction thread not so much. Like if someone introduce themselves over a year ago and they haven’t been on in a good while, I don’t see a point in bumping that back up to the front.

It would be nicer if there was fresh new content that was posted instead of revitalizing old stuff. If there was a healthy influx of new content being posted, then I would say yeah, stop bumping old stuff to give the new stuff some time to breathe.
It would be nicer if there was fresh new content that was posted instead of revitalizing old stuff. If there was a healthy influx of new content being posted, then I would say yeah, stop bumping old stuff to give the new stuff some time to breathe.
I agree it would be nicer but it's not the kind of request anyone here can ask out of the few users that are actually providing content for the forum. Idk for most ppl but in my experience it feels way less intimate when you have to worry about recording something, stay in frame, make sure the lighting is okay, and try not to shake your phone to death as you're getting intimate with an animal. It just removes from the experience. It's not like I can ask my girl to do it again cuz I the video looks bad after we're done lmao
It urks me a bit when people just bump old posts with a generic, disingenuous reply just to build up their status though. And its usually quite obvious when the last poster for last 5-10 posts is the same person with the same comment, "Thanks for sharing". All on posts from 2022... And just so happens they signed up like, YESTERDAY 😂
It would be nicer if there was fresh new content that was posted instead of revitalizing old stuff. If there was a healthy influx of new content being posted, then I would say yeah, stop bumping old stuff to give the new stuff some time to breathe.
The community is not supporting this kind of behavior in content makers.

Maybe if people did not treat especially women like trash, we would see more content.
But if posting a video earns you people spamming your inbox and trying to find out who you are to marry you, you can not wonder why making porn is not exactly an attractive choice.
On top of your content being taken, stolen and claimed by people who fate it is theirs and then spread everywhere ending up on trash porn sites served next to literal animal abuse.

I have seen several people withdraw from the forum and stop posting good quality content because they have been stalked, doxed or their content was stolen.
We have hundreds of threads where people ask for names and contacts of women in videos. We have instances of actual stalkers on the forum.
I have seen women content creators reporting stalking, doxing and threats.

Start treating the people who make your porn with some respect or enjoy the old porn.
The community is not supporting this kind of behavior in content makers.

Maybe if people did not treat especially women like trash, we would see more content.
But if posting a video earns you people spamming your inbox and trying to find out who you are to marry you, you can not wonder why making porn is not exactly an attractive choice.
On top of your content being taken, stolen and claimed by people who fate it is theirs and then spread everywhere ending up on trash porn sites served next to literal animal abuse.

I have seen several people withdraw from the forum and stop posting good quality content because they have been stalked, doxed or their content was stolen.
We have hundreds of threads where people ask for names and contacts of women in videos. We have instances of actual stalkers on the forum.
I have seen women content creators reporting stalking, doxing and threats.

Start treating the people who make your porn with some respect or enjoy the old porn.
Though I agree with your statements whole heartedly, I do hope they were issued on a universal level and not toward myself, personally. Id never dare ask a woman for her A/S/L...nor stalk anyone.
Most of the necros I see fall into three categories:

1.) Users posting throwaway comments on a random general chat thread in order to get to the dm threshold.
2.) Users posting on a very old introduction or personal thread where the user hasn't logged in in over a year or so just to be sleezy and "shoot their shot"
3.) Making a generic "that's so hot" reply on a porn or story thread also to try and get to the dm threshold.

Most users who join don't seem very interested in community or contribution. They are mostly interested in trying to post and get responses for a desperate personal ad or to harass the few people still openly admit to being a woman. I've only been here a few weeks, but like @pes kind of mentioned, the community really seems like it is its own worst enemy. This isn't unique to this place though.
The community is not supporting this kind of behavior in content makers.

Maybe if people did not treat especially women like trash, we would see more content.
But if posting a video earns you people spamming your inbox and trying to find out who you are to marry you, you can not wonder why making porn is not exactly an attractive choice.
On top of your content being taken, stolen and claimed by people who fate it is theirs and then spread everywhere ending up on trash porn sites served next to literal animal abuse.

I have seen several people withdraw from the forum and stop posting good quality content because they have been stalked, doxed or their content was stolen.
We have hundreds of threads where people ask for names and contacts of women in videos. We have instances of actual stalkers on the forum.
I have seen women content creators reporting stalking, doxing and threats.

Start treating the people who make your porn with some respect or enjoy the old porn.
Oh I full heartedly agree. There is definitely an issue across-the-board with people having no decorum. A sane person would think that if a woman is taking the time to gift people something like that, it would be respected. But sadly, it’s just not the case. So I understand that there is definitely a problem with how content creators are treated. The request section is pretty disturbing with how many people are trying to find women’s information in there.

I was just saying that if there was a healthy influx of new content, then bumping old stuff would not be as necessary, and would be frowned upon. And it just would be nice if things were different and there could be a better flow of new things.

Tldr, we can’t have nice things cuz people suck.
Most of the necros I see fall into three categories:

1.) Users posting throwaway comments on a random general chat thread in order to get to the dm threshold.
2.) Users posting on a very old introduction or personal thread where the user hasn't logged in in over a year or so just to be sleezy and "shoot their shot"
3.) Making a generic "that's so hot" reply on a porn or story thread also to try and get to the dm threshold.

Most users who join don't seem very interested in community or contribution. They are mostly interested in trying to post and get responses for a desperate personal ad or to harass the few people still openly admit to being a woman. I've only been here a few weeks, but like @pes kind of mentioned, the community really seems like it is its own worst enemy. This isn't unique to this place though.
Coming back into the community after almost a decade away I definitely see a huge up tick in random dudes with 0 respect and also a huge drip off in female presence which just makes everything that much worse for the ones that stick around. It's strange to me, back in the bf era there were a lot more 35+ aged people but women in particular in that age group.

This kink isn't as uncommon as everyone pretends it is and I'd definitely agree we've become our own worst enemy in terms of driving our own content creators out of the sphere by making it dangerous for them just because dudes wanna think with their little head instead of their big ones.

I kind of wish the forum was more exclusive in a way were people had to be veted and granted permission from the mods for access to pages, pm, and content. It's like 95% guys and of that about 90% don't seem to even be interested in anything other than trying to get their rocks off. Like we all get horny from time to time but most of them are here because they are horny not horny because they're here if you know what I mean 😂