I remember Sublime in high school, mostly because of the bands mascot is an intact male Dalmatian and nothing got airbrushed out.
Nut shots of Lou Dog included in merch and official band photos at the time...

Recently while searching on youtube for songs people have written about dogs Sublime came up. It turns out that Bradley Nowell references his dog in his songs a lot more than the average songwriter and wrote a few songs dedicated to him.
Sublime: I love my dog -- Few would would write it so blatantly, but this is in a completely innocent G rated manner right?
Sublime: Lou Dog Went to the Moon -- He was crushed when Lou Dog disappeared for a week
Photo montage of Brad and Lou Dog -- Multiple photos of kissing Lou Dog on the mouth.
Lou Dog getting dry humped -- Well this certainly peaked my interest.
Turns out Lou Dog and Nowell were inseparable and always together. Photos of Brad and Lou Dog cuddling, kissing, and otherwise being in close personal contact are at an usually high frequency.

However, Nowell had a girlfriend and fathered a child. Lou Dog had a reputation for biting people instead of humping them. I could be guilty of reading into my own sexual desires and projecting them onto others?
Then digging further, it turns out that my suspicions about the nature of their relationship are correct.
Story of Nowell jerking off Lou Dog
Brad had a really funny, dry sense of humor,” Leary reveals about the late singer and guitarist. “Almost every night, he’d be sitting on the sofa and I’d be finishing up in the control room and he’d be sitting next to Lou Dog and his favorite thing to do was to grab Lou Dog by the tail and yell my name and when I’d look he’d stick his thumb right up the dog’s butt and look at me like, ‘Tada!’ The last time he did it was the best, he was talking to me and had one arm around Lou Dog and with other hand he was jacking Lou Dog off … while carrying on a conversation. Then he’d say, ‘Well he likes it.’”
Brad Nowell died of a drug overdose in 1996 with Lou Dog at his side. Sublime's mainstream success coming after Nowell's death. I don't know what would have happened if he had not died. Would he be outed and his relationship with Lou Dog become a tabloid scandal ?
Sublime and Lou Dog still have a following, over 20 years later people are still making fan art of Brad and Lou Dog but little do they know that there was more to them than meets the eye.

"Livin' with Louie's the only way to stay sane...." Bradley Nowell (1968-1996)
Nut shots of Lou Dog included in merch and official band photos at the time...

Recently while searching on youtube for songs people have written about dogs Sublime came up. It turns out that Bradley Nowell references his dog in his songs a lot more than the average songwriter and wrote a few songs dedicated to him.
Sublime: I love my dog -- Few would would write it so blatantly, but this is in a completely innocent G rated manner right?
Sublime: Lou Dog Went to the Moon -- He was crushed when Lou Dog disappeared for a week
Photo montage of Brad and Lou Dog -- Multiple photos of kissing Lou Dog on the mouth.
Lou Dog getting dry humped -- Well this certainly peaked my interest.
Turns out Lou Dog and Nowell were inseparable and always together. Photos of Brad and Lou Dog cuddling, kissing, and otherwise being in close personal contact are at an usually high frequency.

However, Nowell had a girlfriend and fathered a child. Lou Dog had a reputation for biting people instead of humping them. I could be guilty of reading into my own sexual desires and projecting them onto others?
Then digging further, it turns out that my suspicions about the nature of their relationship are correct.
Story of Nowell jerking off Lou Dog
Brad had a really funny, dry sense of humor,” Leary reveals about the late singer and guitarist. “Almost every night, he’d be sitting on the sofa and I’d be finishing up in the control room and he’d be sitting next to Lou Dog and his favorite thing to do was to grab Lou Dog by the tail and yell my name and when I’d look he’d stick his thumb right up the dog’s butt and look at me like, ‘Tada!’ The last time he did it was the best, he was talking to me and had one arm around Lou Dog and with other hand he was jacking Lou Dog off … while carrying on a conversation. Then he’d say, ‘Well he likes it.’”
Brad Nowell died of a drug overdose in 1996 with Lou Dog at his side. Sublime's mainstream success coming after Nowell's death. I don't know what would have happened if he had not died. Would he be outed and his relationship with Lou Dog become a tabloid scandal ?
Sublime and Lou Dog still have a following, over 20 years later people are still making fan art of Brad and Lou Dog but little do they know that there was more to them than meets the eye.

"Livin' with Louie's the only way to stay sane...." Bradley Nowell (1968-1996)
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