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Something interesting just hit the news a couple months ago


Obviously the main topic of the article is curious in itself, but this part surprised me:

"The genetic makeup of a 12-year-old Angolan, boy is now disputed by experts after his deceased mother allegedly told him he is the offspring of a human-chimpanzee love affair, reports the Gazeta Nacional.
The story made national headlines and has unleashed an outpour of generosity towards Augusto Dembo, 12, who now lives with his uncle and aunt in the capital city of Luanda. Although the young boy has become an instant celebrity, many experts dispute the claim that he is the product of the s*xual intercourse between a human and a chimpanzee.

“S*xual relationships between humans and chimpanzees are fairly common in the region but this is the first time a pregnancy is officially reported, ”Dr. António Mendes of the Hospital Municipal do Luena doubted. Angola President João Lourenço has already nicknamed the boy the “Angolan Miracle Child” as well as praising the young man as a “National treasure”, “a sign from God” and a “testament to the majesty and greatness of the Republic of Angola."

From what I remember reading from news and anthropological pieces this sort of attitudes towards intimate human-animal relations aren't also completely isolated. It seems that the farther we move from the direct influence of western (mostly Judeo-Christian based) discourse and moral sensibility, and the closer we move to technologically and socially less sophisticated societies with cultures more rooted in nature and local tradition it seems that the acceptance for this sort of behaviour grows. Heck, even in developed countries the rural communities seem to contain more zoophiles than the urban areas.
I gotta say this is the guardian and it does not seem it is joking also it is in Africa angola I cant say I cant believe something like that happening of sex between a chimp and human because he would feel from her potential for relations but pregnancy I am not sure possible with chimps genetacly so why the mother would admit that ? maybe because she knew they wont care and maybe actually seem exsotic
I gotta say this is the guardian and it does not seem it is joking also it is in Africa angola I cant say I cant believe something like that happening of sex between a chimp and human because he would feel from her potential for relations but pregnancy I am not sure possible with chimps genetacly so why the mother would admit that ? maybe because she knew they wont care and maybe actually seem exsotic
I was under the impression that orangatans are more closely related to us than any other primate. That being said I would be more inclined to believe the story if tbe child were half human half oragatan (sp?)
I was under the impression that orangatans are more closely related to us than any other primate. That being said I would be more inclined to believe the story if tbe child were half human half oragatan (sp?)

Orang utans are the most distantly related of the great apes, gorillas are closer to us and chimpanzees and bonobos are closest. Source:

actually mice are the closest with 99.1% similarity

In which respect?

In a certain way my dog and I are very much related, since we live together and kiss and had sex for years. It's not a close genetic relationship, but a social one. You could also define being related as being physically or genetically similar. Other definitions look at the phylogenetic tree or "family" tree and either look how far you have to go to the root—from parents to grandparents to great-grandparents and so forth—until you find the last common ancestor of you and someone else. The fewer steps you have to go before finding that ancestor, the closer you are related to someone else. Or, alternatively, you could add both the number of generations you have to go to the last common ancestor and the generations you have to go down again to meet the being of whom you want to know how related you are. So there are many different ways to define being related.

According to most of these definitions, mice are probably closer related to us than dogs, horses, cats, dolphins, ostriches or most other animals which zoos fancy, but not as close as any ape or monkey.
In which respect?

In a certain way my dog and I are very much related, since we live together and kiss and had sex for years. It's not a close genetic relationship, but a social one. You could also define being related as being physically or genetically similar. Other definitions look at the phylogenetic tree or "family" tree and either look how far you have to go to the root—from parents to grandparents to great-grandparents and so forth—until you find the last common ancestor of you and someone else. The fewer steps you have to go before finding that ancestor, the closer you are related to someone else. Or, alternatively, you could add both the number of generations you have to go to the last common ancestor and the generations you have to go down again to meet the being of whom you want to know how related you are. So there are many different ways to define being related.

According to most of these definitions, mice are probably closer related to us than dogs, horses, cats, dolphins, ostriches or most other animals which zoos fancy, but not as close as any ape or monkey.

this is discussion about cross species pregnancy. so i was speaking about the genetic similarity - mice are the closest to us DNA wise.
I've never heard the claim that mice would be genetically most similar to humans before. Here is a source that disagrees:

Do you have a source for your claim?

(according to the link you gave human being are 60% related to bananas.... WTF?!)

mice are usually the animals used on animals testing of products and medicine and not only because they are more easy to handle but because they have closer genetics. if you test a medicine on someone with smaller similarity to us you can cause alot of side effects on humans being and it would be unaccurate and subject to many failures and law suits.

i can tell you that when searching i see different informations on this issue meaning that like alot of things in seince - it seems in despute.

notice in the article you gave when he talked about chimps he just said they are similar in general but on mice he specified the different areas of genetics, what he did not do when speaking about the chimps and cats.

here in this article you can see different information - one that specify bigger similarity
It still says that chimps have even greater genetic similarity to humans in the first sentence though.

it says that by only one percent less.
and in resource in my home language I read chimps are only 91% the same and mice are 99% so , who is right? and why use mice on experiments then and not chimps?
it says that by only one percent less.
and in resource in my home language I read chimps are only 91% the same and mice are 99% so , who is right?

You can't compare numbers from different studies because they only test little and often different parts of the genome, by far not the whole thing. So if humans are 99 % identical with mice in one part and 91 % identical with chimps in another part, that doesn't tell us anything about the relative genetic distance of mice and chimps to humans.

and why use mice on experiments then and not chimps?

Because they are much cheaper to keep, because they become adult more quickly, because they reproduce much more, because you'll get much less of an uproar due to ethical concerns. Using great apes for medical experiments is prohibited by law in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the whole European Union.
You can't compare numbers from different studies because they only test little and often different parts of the genome, by far not the whole thing. So if humans are 99 % identical with mice in one part and 91 % identical with chimps in another part, that doesn't tell us anything about the relative genetic distance of mice and chimps to humans.

then I guess we would have to call that it is still undecisive until science would be more accurate

Because they are much cheaper to keep, because they become adult more quickly, because they reproduce much more, because you'll get much less of an uproar due to ethical concerns. Using great apes for medical experiments is prohibited by law in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the whole European Union.

I did not think about those aspects... although - one thing is extremely important - a difference of 10-15% in DNA is HUGH difference because you are talking about DNA strings which are billions of them. meaning - if chimps are 97 percent similar and mice are only 85 percent then testing the medicine on chimps is more important then their cost of care and all the rest.