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Being Zooromantic?


Hello there! This is my first post, but I have lurked around the forums for quite some time.

I was wondering if anyone here identifies as "zooromantic"? Just as "heteroromanticism" and "homoromanticism" exist, I was wondering if it existed among this community. If you're not familiar with these terms, it specifically refers to romantic attraction, with the absence of sexual attraction.

So I guess it's just that basic question. I'm trying to find out where I fit within all of this, and I'm thinking that I'm only zooromantic rather than zoosexual.

Anyways, glad to meet you all! :3
I don't think there is such a clear distinction, I, like others I have known over time, evaluate the mere sexual act only the culmination of a relationship, much longer, and, at least as far as I am concerned, it is not the key point of the relationship , but it is often a secondary plan.

having said that I think "zoomanticism" is intrinsically connected to "zoophilia" (not to be confused with zoobestiality or zoosadimo that I do not share either)

it is a thin line that creates many discord
I might be considered close to that, though I"m not sure how much the colloquial sense of the term 'romantic' applies to my feelings- a bit perhaps, but it's not a great fit.

Cuddling brings emotions that are somewhat in that category- comfort, love, fondness, contentment, gratitude- a sense of mutual affection and trust. I enjoy Cuddling, though there's no sexual aspect to it for me.

I consider myself a 'romantic asexual'- romantic in this description just meaning 'desiring/seeking a non-sexual loving relationship'. I have deep emotional bonds with my dog family, but no sexual attraction.
I haven't heard of zooromantic until now and I won't acknowledge it either. Don't worry about your place in all this and don't label yourself silly. You'll make yourself depressed doing that. Discover yourself first then put the pieces together. It's going to be harder for you to explore this world if youre a guy because what guys typically want now a days either isn't realistic or it's an unnatural sex act.

I'm not a zoophile, I'm not zoosexual, And I don't live a lifestyle. I'm a sexually free K9-Wolf girl and nobody can take that from me
I haven't heard of zooromantic until now and I won't acknowledge it either. Don't worry about your place in all this and don't label yourself silly. You'll make yourself depressed doing that. Discover yourself first then put the pieces together. It's going to be harder for you to explore this world if youre a guy because what guys typically want now a days either isn't realistic or it's an unnatural sex act.

I'm not a zoophile, I'm not zoosexual, And I don't live a lifestyle. I'm a sexually free K9-Wolf girl and nobody can take that from me
Very well said. Why waste your time & energy on something so futile? Just go with the feeling. If you have romantic feelings towards your beast, go right ahead. Why worry about what to call it, & whether you are the only one or not? Just enjoy the experience. Nobody here is going to judge. Just make sure you treat them right.

It's the same with humans too. Whether you are into girls, or boys, or both, go right ahead. As long as you don't hurt them or do anything against their will.