So since I've known about being a zoo, I have always had a slight attraction towards monkeys and apes and over the years I've found little content or information about it. Even in fictional art, human+ape stuff just seems incredibly rare. Why could this be? I'd imagine out of all the animals monkeys should realistically be higher on the list of attraction, considering a lot of zoos aren't zoo-exclusive, and monkeys are still human enough but at the end of the day they are still animals.
When you look at the sexual habits of some primates, bonobos especially have some very free sexual habits (just google "sociosexual behaviour in bonobos" if you aren't aware of how they do things), plus they actively perform anal and oral sex. Obviously it'd be incredibly dangerous to try and have sex with most primates, but that doesn't stop me (or a lot of people) from being sexually attracted to lions and tigers.
Is this attraction just more of a niche thing in the zoo community? Or are more people attracted to monkeys/apes than I realise.
When you look at the sexual habits of some primates, bonobos especially have some very free sexual habits (just google "sociosexual behaviour in bonobos" if you aren't aware of how they do things), plus they actively perform anal and oral sex. Obviously it'd be incredibly dangerous to try and have sex with most primates, but that doesn't stop me (or a lot of people) from being sexually attracted to lions and tigers.
Is this attraction just more of a niche thing in the zoo community? Or are more people attracted to monkeys/apes than I realise.