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Asexuals and zoos


I'm a more or less asexual man. Specifically the term I've found that best describes me is aegosexual, which basically means that I like sex in theory but I don't actually want to be a part of it. I've recently started fantasizing about a relationship in which my partner is a zoo, and while I provide their emotional and practical needs, their sexual needs are filled by their animal partner(s).

I know it sounds like cuckolding, but the key difference is that I would be jealous if my partner was having sex with a human. The idea that my partner's sexual needs are being fulfilled by an animal just feels better for some reason. Does this kind of relationship exist? Maybe it's just a pipe dream. But if I can get answers anywhere I figure it must be here.
There's nothing physically impossible about it so it will exist if you can make it happen.

Out of interest, do you want this third partner to be an animal mainly because you are find zoo sex arousing or because an animal will not compete with you when it comes to fulfilling your partner's emotional needs (at least not on the same level a human would)?
There's nothing physically impossible about it so it will exist if you can make it happen.

Out of interest, do you want this third partner to be an animal mainly because you are find zoo sex arousing or because an animal will not compete with you when it comes to fulfilling your partner's emotional needs (at least not on the same level a human would)?
Both. I find zoo arousing and I wouldn't see it as direct competition for my role in the relationship.
what about yourself? I’ve never met an asexual zoo bc it seems like having sex would be a huge part about it so I’m wondering would you ever want an animal companion for yourself at some point?
what about yourself? I’ve never met an asexual zoo bc it seems like having sex would be a huge part about it so I’m wondering would you ever want an animal companion for yourself at some point?
No, at least not in a sexual way. I own three dogs and I've never even considered them in a sexual way. If I were to try practicing zoo it would be just through observing others
Cuckholding seems to be a growing fetish/kink, in the sense that more are open about it now than in the past.
There's been a good number of men whom have said they'd like to see either girlfriend/wife pleasured by an animal and enjoy it more than sex with themselves, to where the woman would only want sex with animals. It's not a rare fantasy, but I cannot give how possible it would actually be to live out.

However you can be zoo and be asexual. That's no different than say being gay but asexual. You don't need to have sex to know who or what you like! Romantic attraction is valid, and you know yourself better than anyone else.
Hey, another Zoo Asexual here. It's not entirely impossible and I can see it working depending on the partner. Probably even better than non-zoo relationships since there's less of a chance of the Allo partner just leaving with someone else.
I am sort of in the same boat as you as far as asexuality with arousal at zoo. I think knowing you are not alone shows this might be more possible than you thought.
what about yourself? I’ve never met an asexual zoo bc it seems like having sex would be a huge part about it so I’m wondering would you ever want an animal companion for yourself at some point?
Asexual zoo here. Asexuality is a bit confusing especially to people unfamiliar with it. In short, asexuality is the absence of attraction (within a spectrum I won’t go into detail about). One may still experience arousal, just not attraction. In my case, I am not attracted to people or animals, but am still aroused by and enjoy taking part in sexual activities. A neat way to think of it is like experiencing hunger but not wanting any of the food in your kitchen, so you eat a snack instead.
I'm a more or less asexual man. Specifically the term I've found that best describes me is aegosexual, which basically means that I like sex in theory but I don't actually want to be a part of it. I've recently started fantasizing about a relationship in which my partner is a zoo, and while I provide their emotional and practical needs, their sexual needs are filled by their animal partner(s).

I know it sounds like cuckolding, but the key difference is that I would be jealous if my partner was having sex with a human. The idea that my partner's sexual needs are being fulfilled by an animal just feels better for some reason. Does this kind of relationship exist? Maybe it's just a pipe dream. But if I can get answers anywhere I figure it must be here.
i would looove something like this, though i do love human cock, i would die to be an animals plaything while being emotionally satisfied by a human. i currently define myself as demisexual lol