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Back in the BF days, @skittleisme was a star on that forum. Her(?) stories were legendary well written true erotica.

I miss her voice so much you just don't even know. I long to chat with her. She is someone I would truly relish being friends with.

@skittleisme if you're out there please drop me a note sometime. ❤️
I forgot about her! You're right her stories were pretty good. I was on there too, but under a different screen name.
So was I. I can't even remember that old screen name tho. Which is why I put this out there. I figure it's unlikely that her interest in zoo evaporated, but she probably has a new handle. And, most likely still writing.
So was I. I can't even remember that old screen name tho. Which is why I put this out there. I figure it's unlikely that her interest in zoo evaporated, but she probably has a new handle. And, most likely still writing.
Well, it's nice to see that you found good old ZF. Welcome!! I'm sure if she wrote so well back then, she's still doing it. One can only hope anyway, right?