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Have you ever told anyone about your attraction?
Have you ever told your human partner?
How did you tell them?
How did they react?
i don't see a single reason why would i do so... also "have you told your human partner?" and everything after that doesn't really work in the zoo-exclusive section. you do know what "exclusive" means, don't you?
There are several threads already dedicated to thoroughly answered on for these questions. Just do a general search and you will find all kinds of reading on it.

Short answer for me. I told people when i was young and stupid. It never worked out well for me.
i don't see a single reason why would i do so... also "have you told your human partner?" and everything after that doesn't really work in the zoo-exclusive section. you do know what "exclusive" means, don't you?
Apparently zoo exclusive is being redefined to something else. Though what else is not being said.
If I had to guess, the fetishistic audience is demanding a redefining it to people who are not zoophiles but currently only have sex with animals.

In the past, the term was used specifically for people who can only imagine physical/sexual and spiritual relationships with animals are referred to as zoo-exclusive (also exclusive zoo ). Love relationships with people were excluded. However, in its current state in the community, it means something entirely different!
Short answer for me. I told people when i was young and stupid. It never worked out well for me.
Same here. Today I would probably only mention it to a very very limited group of ppl. Currently I cannot think of anyone who ought to know about it. Funny anecdote: When I began to date the only girl-friend I've ever had in my life (and with who I only had real sex once in three years before I broke up cause it didn't feel right), she said to me in one way or another: "And I've always thought you were rather into horses."
The only people who know about my sexuality are the people on this forum. I don’t have a human partner, and have no desire to get one.
i don't see a single reason why would i do so... also "have you told your human partner?" and everything after that doesn't really work in the zoo-exclusive section. you do know what "exclusive" means, don't you?
You Are right. It was posted in the wrong topic but I couldn’t delete it
Never have told anyone. I never would tell anyone ive met thus far. I'd love to tell other zoos and talk about it and trade thoughts but that hasnt happened yet either. But thats why I joined here. If you dont ask the answer is always no and i think this is the best place to start.
I never told anyone. However one of my friends told me about how she was curious with her dog. Despite me being open and comfortable she shut down the conversation and got angry before leaving.

I imagine some of us wants to tell others but I guess when you know the hazards that comes with it in the back of your head it keeps you from talking.

I do have a dog owner friend who has a Labrador that I won't mind playing with but you never know how it'll turn out. It is a bit sad but that is current life.
my entir family highly suspects. however one of my daughters does know for a fact. when she was having crisis in her life I needed to tell her so she knew I could understand how she felt about her situation.
Wow, how did you daughter react to that information?

I for one came out to my friend. She didn't care in the slightest. She was a little intrigued, but just out of sheer curiosity. She sounded kinda of take it or leave it as a personal interest, but she did seem interested in checking out some porn.
She highly suspected befor she knew so it wasn't a supprise.
Nah, she's just that kind of person, very open and accepting, and curious about other lifestyles. She's a wonderful person, I'm very lucky to have her as a friend.
I have said this before in other places...I’m almost 70..,so not going to change...I love everything about horses...male and female...I’m gay with humans...but they don’t interest me... told 20 or so people in my life...nobody recently. The bad laws makes that not good. At this time of my life... who cares...
Apparently zoo exclusive is being redefined to something else. Though what else is not being said.
If I had to guess, the fetishistic audience is demanding a redefining it to people who are not zoophiles but currently only have sex with animals.

In the past, the term was used specifically for people who can only imagine physical/sexual and spiritual relationships with animals are referred to as zoo-exclusive (also exclusive zoo ). Love relationships with people were excluded. However, in its current state in the community, it means something entirely different!
Redefined? That makes no sense. How can you redefine such a concrete term as "zoo exclusive," which only means one thing?
That is irritating. Thanks for talking about it.
Redefined? That makes no sense. How can you redefine such a concrete term as "zoo exclusive," which only means one thing?
That is irritating. Thanks for talking about it.
That is what it says in the wiki. It does not say what the new meaning is though.
Have you ever told anyone about your attraction?
Have you ever told your human partner?
How did you tell them?
How did they react?
Yes, a few people.
One boyfriend who became my fiance.
In person.
At first very positive and liked to watch, as our wedding date got closer with more and more jealously and we broke up.
As I wrote further above I told quite a few ppl about it when I was young and stupid. Not only friends but also folks I was living together with. No bad reactions there, rather a cause for some amusement. Nobody, also none of my friends, ever showed any kind of interest in further details. That's why my conclusion is that it absolutely makes no sense to tell non-zoo folks about it, unless you are suffering in some way and looking for help.

Though promises were made two told their female partners about my preference, one because he hoped this would make her more open for variety in bed, the other because he couldn't shut his mouth. In both cases the outing was negative: In case one I wasn't invited to their house for many years, in case two the young woman completely freaked out and didn't want to see me again though her partner (my so-called friend) tried to convince her that he had only made a joke.

So for me another conclusion was that if you are male and date female animals better not tell human females about it. I suppose they distrust male sexuality and think that when a human male dates a four-legged female there's always force or violence involved.

Another advice if you urgently want to tell some non-zoo about it: Make sure you meet that person frequently in the days or weeks after so they see that you are still the same person they have known for months or years. That will help with acceptance. If you tell sb and don't meet that person soon again this is not possible and the person may begin to wonder who you really are.
Você já contou a alguém sobre sua atração?
Você já contou ao seu parceiro humano?
Como você contou a eles?
Como eles reagiram?
Nunca imaginei contar isso para ninguém. Um companheiro uma vez viu minha biblioteca digital e me trouxe grandes problemas. Acho essa fantasia muito pessoal, gosto de ser o objeto central do animal e não gostaria de compartilhá-la com ninguém. A menos que fosse para me elevar a um novo nível que eu não poderia alcançar sozinho.
I've been "out" for decades. People have known about me, but I'm not flamboyant and public about it the same as if I were dating a man or a woman I would keep my private life private. My neighbors don't need or want to know what I do same as I don't want to know whatever freaky shit they're doing.

There have been many times when friends and colleagues have put 2+2 together and I don't typically deny it, but it depends on the person and the circumstance. I've had a couple of employers where it was a known thing or highly suspected, just wasn't an issue.
I didn't have to tell anything to my partner, he already knew everything since we met here.
As for other people, I see no point whatsoever to tell them anything.
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