I would have to totally agree. Being able to hear the sounds of a woman’s wanton, natural moans of pleasure as well as the sound of her encouragement for her partner is very very important. I’ve seen videos that visually are totally preem and easily could very easily put into the favorites rotation had not some knuckle head fucked off the audio. Either w/ shitty music dubbed over, are their mic was in wrong location or not functioning right so the audio is really bad or there’s just no sound at all. Irritating at all levels either way. There will be times that I may be taking a king drive and I’ll actually put on a few videos and just listen to what’s going on never once glancing over to look at the screen. If there is no audio or it’s shitty at best, I literally can’t get off. Being able to hear a woman being pleased is just as If not more so, just as important as seeing her being pleased.