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Any other autistics here?

Zoophilia is a paraphilia, a nice word to say that we are sexual deviants or sexual perverts

Most people who suffer from paraphilias are men and women but mostly men and many of them present several types of paraphilias. Some also have a severe personality disorder, such as an antisocial or narcissistic personality) which demonstrates why this community is so fuck up, but...

A study has revealed that sexual perversion (also known as paraphilia) is surprisingly widespread and occurs in almost half of the population studied

In fact we top everything... except normal... but at the same time what is normal?

Going back to autism, I feel like any form of neurodevelopment or other neurosis could easily end up here in this community.

This is only my humble opinion and I have no university studies in psychologie... but I've seen several LOL
Ive met some narcs and aspds with paraphilias but they had sadism not animal attraction. They found it disgusting when I brought it up, and promptly yelled at me, which was funny lol. Miss them dearly everyday :)
Nothing is helpful. Never has been. Bpd got me nowhere. Depression anxiety. Psychopath larping (when I was 12.)

I’ve been miserable my whole life. And to be frankly honest I’ll be miserable for the rest. I genuinely hoped those psychopaths would kill me but they never came.

To be honest. I actually feel a deep ammount of injustice for not being diagnosed as a kid. I felt so alone all the time and continued to act out. I was skinny cause I wouldn’t eat. Had no friends. Hell they forced me into therapy and social group at a young age. But for some reason no one was like hey, fun idea, maybe she’s autistic.

I wish I had just gone on thinking I was bpd so I could believe there was a cure (DBT which I got kicked out of the first, finished the second with no improvement.) I’m not trying hard enough. I’m not talking right. Why can’t i just be normal.

I still love this forum though. No matter what happens. I’ve been lurking for years. I love it so much.
@idk what to name myself

Give me a week or two to recharge my batteries and I'll try to do the next chapter just for you, and no I dont pity you, because in that case I will have to pity myself

I'll do it to put some love and fun in your life, everyone deserves to have it
Thank you for being a fan because you too gave me love and pleasure
@idk what to name myself

Give me a week or two to recharge my batteries and I'll try to do the next chapter just for you, and no I dont pity you, because in that case I will have to pity myself

I'll do it to put some love and fun in your life, everyone deserves to have it
Thank you for being a fan because you too gave me love and pleasure
Thank you, I appreciate it. Take as much time as you’d need :)
Ive met some narcs and aspds with paraphilias but they had sadism not animal attraction. They found it disgusting when I brought it up, and promptly yelled at me, which was funny lol. Miss them dearly everyday :)
Why did you stop seem them, were they disgusted by you because you're a zoo

If you like sadistic sorry I can pm you a link to a story that I hate and love at the same time, but this is not a zoo story
Why did you stop seem them, were they disgusted by you because you're a zoo

If you like sadistic sorry I can pm you a link to a story that I hate and love at the same time, but this is not a zoo story
Nah they didn’t want me to leave but I felt it was time to move on. Recently checked up on them. They are doing well!

I don’t like sadism it makes my stomach turn. Though I did entertain the idea of one of them torturing me. They still have my address, they have yet to follow through :/ Doubt they ever will!
Bunch of pseudointellectuals in here. #notyourshield

You know what the real deal is? The big problemo? The elephant in the room? Saying autistics instead of autists.
Ah. grammar the destructor of every argument
You should see their cousin. punctuation,?
I actually struggle with punctuation a lot haha. I’m supposed to be getting a text book on it soon. I want to keep them As in my English class ?

Which side are you on btw?
First off I want to say I'm not zoo. I stumbled across this site (and specifically this thread) in a Google search. I am however a Licensed therapist who specializes in ASD. I made an account because I'm rather curious as well about whether individuals on the spectrum are predisposed to this sexual attraction. I've had patients who seem to be "overly friendly" with animals. I can't say anything further than that.

However I have to disagree with those saying self diagnosis is invalid. In the large amount of patients I've diagnosed over the last 10 years, most that were late diagnosed, started off by self diagnosing, before seeking an official one. All but one who believed he was ASD ended up with a similar but different Diagnosis. (Bpd and severe social anxiety)

My point here is after years of being in the field I've seen for myself there is individuals who are on the spectrum that go unnoticed until later in life. No diagnosis doesn't equal no autism. Reality is it equals no support for an individual who may need it. It equals invalidation in alot of circumstances (family, the workplace, socially, etc) That brings to mind how many patients I've seen with imposter syndrome before and after diagnosis.

Please do not assume that a diagnosis is what makes a individual autistic. Wrong. It is the way their innate neurochemistry developed that does. Also we are talking about people who are already predisposed to misreading social situations. People who may be hypervigelent and feel like they are being targeted. You may think your helping but your not.

Thanks for listening
I've been diagnosed, i cant say i see the link with my autism an zoo. I am also functioning wel socially , i have a big friendgroup who are al aware of the diagnoses and my quirks (not the zoo bit) i try not to let the autism define who i am
Going from room to room, trying to figure out where the fuck I'd put my glasses down. Go on like that for half an hour or so, then suddenly realize DUHHHHHHH!!!!! They're in my HAND! and have been since I took the damned things off 'cause they went "instant fogbank" when I came in from being outside in sub-zero temps. Talk about feeling like an absolutely complete, window-licking, paste-eating, utterly brainless fucking *MORON*
First off I want to say I'm not zoo. I stumbled across this site (and specifically this thread) in a Google search. I am however a Licensed therapist who specializes in ASD. I made an account because I'm rather curious as well about whether individuals on the spectrum are predisposed to this sexual attraction. I've had patients who seem to be "overly friendly" with animals. I can't say anything further than that.

However I have to disagree with those saying self diagnosis is invalid. In the large amount of patients I've diagnosed over the last 10 years, most that were late diagnosed, started off by self diagnosing, before seeking an official one. All but one who believed he was ASD ended up with a similar but different Diagnosis. (Bpd and severe social anxiety)

My point here is after years of being in the field I've seen for myself there is individuals who are on the spectrum that go unnoticed until later in life. No diagnosis doesn't equal no autism. Reality is it equals no support for an individual who may need it. It equals invalidation in alot of circumstances (family, the workplace, socially, etc) That brings to mind how many patients I've seen with imposter syndrome before and after diagnosis.

Please do not assume that a diagnosis is what makes a individual autistic. Wrong. It is the way their innate neurochemistry developed that does. Also we are talking about people who are already predisposed to misreading social situations. People who may be hypervigelent and feel like they are being targeted. You may think your helping but your not.

Thanks for listening
Thank you for speaking
First off I want to say I'm not zoo. I stumbled across this site (and specifically this thread) in a Google search. I am however a Licensed therapist who specializes in ASD. I made an account because I'm rather curious as well about whether individuals on the spectrum are predisposed to this sexual attraction. I've had patients who seem to be "overly friendly" with animals. I can't say anything further than that.
Provided this is all legit... but I'll post it for posterity anyway.

I've always wondered if there is some predisposition to it, or perhaps from the parents. Be it genetically or from childhood experience/being raised.
I often wonder where the cause lies within me that I took to animals. I'm sure I could point to some obvious childhood issues, but that doesn't really speak for the other part: my innate disposition to not take for granted what society tells me to believe, to utterly reject whatever morals and standards are given at any time.

I'm not sure if it's just how I was parented (or lack thereof) or if it's anything about being neurodivergent, or if it's just supposedly being a lot smarter than average. The smart part and being on the ASD often conflict and overlap with one another. If one is smart and old enough, can one develop mechanisms to cope and overcome problems that ASD presents?

But I always questioned, even as a young kid, why I couldn't love my dog more than the average person does. I don't see a problem with having sex with them in the same way society agrees to have sex between humans nowadays. Why watching bestiality was bad.
I wonder if there's something in there that makes you distance yourself or not adhere to "society" or "the norm" as much, and if that makes one predisposed to things that are considered unconventional.
It's weird to think that (mostly ignorant) people would label or consider me insane, or mentally unwell, when I've never really felt like I was crazy. Just on another level.

Provided this is all legit... but I'll post it for posterity anyway.

I've always wondered if there is some predisposition to it, or perhaps from the parents. Be it genetically or from childhood experience/being raised.
I often wonder where the cause lies within me that I took to animals. I'm sure I could point to some obvious childhood issues, but that doesn't really speak for the other part: my innate disposition to not take for granted what society tells me to believe, to utterly reject whatever morals and standards are given at any time.

I'm not sure if it's just how I was parented (or lack thereof) or if it's anything about being neurodivergent, or if it's just supposedly being a lot smarter than average. The smart part and being on the ASD often conflict and overlap with one another. If one is smart and old enough, can one develop mechanisms to cope and overcome problems that ASD presents?

But I always questioned, even as a young kid, why I couldn't love my dog more than the average person does. I don't see a problem with having sex with them in the same way society agrees to have sex between humans nowadays. Why watching bestiality was bad.
I wonder if there's something in there that makes you distance yourself or not adhere to "society" or "the norm" as much, and if that makes one predisposed to things that are considered unconventional.
It's weird to think that (mostly ignorant) people would label or consider me insane, or mentally unwell, when I've never really felt like I was crazy. Just on another level.

I think the predisposition to animals isn't any different than I, as a gay guy .... looking back on my childhood and being attracted to hairy guys. I'm pretty sure I lusted after my piano teacher of six years...he was about as hairy as a guy could get.

And in my estimation, there are plenty of dumb people around...in the end, best to ignore them.

To be honest, I don't know where my fascination with animals comes from, either
My fascination with animals is their simpler emotions. They don't have unfounded hate. Treat them right and they will give you love. It's different for humans. They're too complex.
I've always felt like the whole "planning ahead for weeks, months, years" is a big part in the difference between humans and other animals. Not that animals don't show behavior like that, it's just humans especially can be deceptively scheming on a social level to get what they want. Of course there's also the whole "society" part and getting imprinted a lot of biases...

And dogs don't care if you're ugly or a bit different.
First off I want to say I'm not zoo. I stumbled across this site (and specifically this thread) in a Google search. I am however a Licensed therapist who specializes in ASD. I made an account because I'm rather curious as well about whether individuals on the spectrum are predisposed to this sexual attraction. I've had patients who seem to be "overly friendly" with animals. I can't say anything further than that.

However I have to disagree with those saying self diagnosis is invalid. In the large amount of patients I've diagnosed over the last 10 years, most that were late diagnosed, started off by self diagnosing, before seeking an official one. All but one who believed he was ASD ended up with a similar but different Diagnosis. (Bpd and severe social anxiety)

My point here is after years of being in the field I've seen for myself there is individuals who are on the spectrum that go unnoticed until later in life. No diagnosis doesn't equal no autism. Reality is it equals no support for an individual who may need it. It equals invalidation in alot of circumstances (family, the workplace, socially, etc) That brings to mind how many patients I've seen with imposter syndrome before and after diagnosis.

Please do not assume that a diagnosis is what makes a individual autistic. Wrong. It is the way their innate neurochemistry developed that does. Also we are talking about people who are already predisposed to misreading social situations. People who may be hypervigelent and feel like they are being targeted. You may think your helping but your not.

Thanks for listening
Sounds like BS....who were you yesterday, dude?
My Father has High Functioning autism....I inherited a few traits from him that place me on the edge of this aneurotypical spectrum. I'm just glad im not literal to a flaw like some.
Why do you people think it's so COOL to say you have autism, Asperger's, AD, HD, ADHD, OCD OR PTSD? Without ever having been diagnosed! What kind of FAKE, twisted enjoyment are you getting from just running around and saying you have them??

Have you ANY idea how hard life can be for a REAL victim of one these afflictions? No, you do not, and you hardly even care. Life for them can be, in some cases, nightmare difficult, and there you are, just casually saying for some stupidly insensitive reason,
"Oh yeah, I'm an aspie" or "Yeah, I'm in the spectrum" or "got me some adhd and autism."

You don't get to decide for yourself you have one of these. There are REAL people actually suffering!
There are specific TESTS for all these afflictions, administered ONLY by mental health professionals.
Get it into your head: If you were never TESTED AND DIAGNOSED for any of them by a professional,
you do NOT have them!
Like others, I created an account just to respond to this thread. Just passing through, but as someone who has been professionally diagnosed for over 30 years (since the late 80's), I am horrified by this response. That said, the only times I have personally experienced reactions like this when I tell people I'm Autistic is when they either have a family member with debilitating ASD or know someone who is dealing with it. I mean, I get it to an extent. I used to be non-communicative and unable to function making my parents' life a living hell. I have since adapted through mimicry and a colossal amount of willpower, but not everyone with ASD does or can. However, people who don't understand what the spectrum means often struggle accepting that those who appear "normal" can even remotely be as such. I highly recommend reading this for what the spectrum really means.

I have adapted well enough for people to call bullshit on my Autism, and I take that as flattery. If only they knew how much I struggle to keep up that facade every second of every day. But the real problem here is that you have taken to assume that people who don't announce they have been professionally diagnosed (which shouldn't be a requirement!) are somehow fake. Self-diagnosis is more than viable and more often than not, leads to a confirmed professional diagnosis. I'm certainly not discounting the importance of professional diagnosis, but outside of affirmation and acceptance into medical aid/programs, there really isn't any more credibility than self-diagnosis.

There is more to life than the importance of medical aid. Finding help with like-minded individuals who don't have the means to seek an official diagnosis, or trying to find people with ASD who also share your sexual preferences are very important for us. Most of us feel so alone and isolated. But something I've found over the decades is that people with ASD tend to unknowingly congregate. We also tend to not speak up if we feel like there might be a possibility of reactions like yours (notice how people stopped responding so happily after that).

I know you had good intentions. However, you do need to try to accept that Autism is not a cookie-cutter disability. We come in all shapes and abilities to cope with the world. I take immense pride in my Autism diagnosis, even more so knowing where I started and have accomplished so much since then. Do I think it's cool? You're damn right I do. But I also know it fucking sucks. I have the greatest of empathy for my non-functioning brethren, but I sure as shit am not going to abandon the rest of my ilk against the people who can't accept that they can exist.
Had a discussion earlier that made me curious about how many autistic zoophiles are on this forum ^.^
While formally diagnosed, my kids have traits,and have been diagnosed as Aspie, me and my dad get triggered by things sometime. A girl at work who is diagnosed as ASD picked up on my nuances.

Outwardly I'm regular, inwardly I have a lot of inner turmoil.

Feel free to drop me a line about anything if you wanna reach out.
While I am not autistic, nearly every zoo I've ever met in my life has been on the spectrum. And I've met a lot.
So I thought I might be...had myself evaluated and didn't get diagnosed. But I find it interesting that almost every person out of the 20-something zoos I've met has been on the spectrum.
I'm not sure if ADHD counts but it's something I have always actually put to good use.
We play on our strengths.
Also I think autistic people are often very interesting and attractive just saying ?