Yes, I own an XL mastiff/cane corso cross. She's female, and I have five other large/giant breed mixes who are all intact males. I can vouch that corsos, regardless of gender, are
exceptionally well endowed. She is, in fact, the first female dog who has ever been able to.. ahem.. accommodate me all the way, with ease, in or out of estrus, in any position. And
that's saying something, because all who came before her (even in heat, even if they had pups in the past) could not accomplish this feat. She stands alone in this regard. She is simply on a whole 'nother plane.
Beyond the bedroom, they're great dogs all around. Typical giant breeds, and typical mastiffs: vocal, confrontational guard-dog mentality to strangers, yet sweet as honey with owners and friends. Velcro dog, loyal to a fault; despite her advanced age, my corso girl is
still the first one making it all the way up my (long) driveway, reaching my gate before the other (younger) dogs, to greet me and fawn all over me when I get home -- and then races the truck back down that same driveway to do it all again when I get out! Well-integrated with the rest of my pack and gets along with the males just fine. Tolerates cattle and equines; admittedly she does chase and run off my jack donk at every opportunity, but then he often instigates and antagonizes the dogs first, and she does this quasi-playfully, committing no harm. The only complaint? Lifespan. Be prepared to lose them early. Giant breeds don't tend to make it past the 8-10 mark. Apart from that, if the rest isn't a positive endorsement of the breed, I dunno what is.
Postscript -- you might want to adjust the title of your post. There's a user here who's adopted the breed as his name, and when I first saw it I thought you were asking for opinions about meeting
@canecorso . And if
that were so, I'd tell you he's awesome. We love canecorso around here. He's the shit. In fact, he's so awesome, that if I ever toured the country in retirement to write an anonymized biography of zoo history, culture, lore, and prominent figures, he'd be on my list of interviewees if he'd grant me the privilege.