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Anti-Contact Zoophiles


Apparently this is now a thing, though it mostly seems to be a few people on Twitter who has it in their description. What does it even mean? That they don't think zoophiles should have any contact with animals at all, because they're somehow "dirty"? Or just no sexual contact, then where do they draw the line for that? Probably not at forced mating, insemination or castration, that's for sure! :rolleyes:
I believe its similar to NOMAP=Non offending minor attracted person, which is basically a pedophile that dont do the dirty but are atracted to kids which is still grosss.
So im guessing Anti contact zoophiles are people that are zoos but never will have sex with animals
Anti contact zoophiles are controlled opposition. There is nothing wrong with bestiality so long as practiced ethically.
You wanna try that one again in something closer to actual meaningful english?

Yeah, I see the letters making words, and the words strung together in what appear to be sentences, but for all the sense I can make out of it in the context of the question it's apparently trying to answer, it might just as well be written in Swahili, or maybe Klingon.
I believe its similar to NOMAP=Non offending minor attracted person, which is basically a pedophile that dont do the dirty but are atracted to kids which is still grosss.
So im guessing Anti contact zoophiles are people that are zoos but never will have sex with animals
Correct me if im wrong
You wanna try that one again in something closer to actual meaningful english?

Yeah, I see the letters making words, and the words strung together in what appear to be sentences, but for all the sense I can make out of it in the context of the question it's apparently trying to answer, it might just as well be written in Swahili, or maybe Klingon.
No. Not really.
I can understand why they'd want that label.. I'm a zoo but not practicing right now, so that gives me a "moral high ground"
People have gone a bit forward in thinking and almost understand now-a-days that a thought crime is not an actual crime. So they might accept someone who is a zoophile, but who vehemently opposes the act itself.

I'd rather like us to be out and proud, but I dunno.. maybe it's a better way to advocate for us right now? Even I could do it, since I'm not active right now and haven't been in a couple of years.

Yeah.. I just wish it'll be a net positive thing in the end :/ but feels weird, still.