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Allergy Testing


Hi all!

I read a while back that someone was allergic to dog cum and actually died from the reaction.
Is this true? and if so, how is best to taste yourself for said allergy?
Asking for my wife :)

Thank you ever so much!
I mean I can't say I've actually ever heard of this ?, however I know there was a fake article going around about an std that people were getting from having sex with animals but that was just a load of rubbish
It is uncommon but can be fatal, anaphylaxis can happen if you are allergic to canine semen, a scratch or skin test is the most common way to test for a allergic reaction to a unknown substance.
Anaphylactic shock from severe allergic reaction can happen, but it's very rare from what I've heard. There are also zoonosis std's- also mostly rare. A common thing is HSV1&2 are transmissible -in other words if you get 'cold sores', like 80% of the population, those can pass to you pet via exposure (sexual or otherwise) to saliva or sores when the virus is active.

To test for allergies:
Give yourself a few "small" scratches or pin pricks on the arm with something clean/sterile- expose some of them to small amount of possible allergen, wait awhile and then compare exposed vs non exposed scratches.
Hi all!

I read a while back that someone was allergic to dog cum and actually died from the reaction.
Is this true? and if so, how is best to taste yourself for said allergy?
Asking for my wife :)

Thank you ever so much!
To test for allergies:
Give yourself a few "small" scratches or pin pricks on the arm with something clean/sterile- expose some of them to small amount of possible allergen, wait awhile and then compare exposed vs non exposed scratches.
Anaphylactic reactions vary from mild to severe. You can preform a simple test as @Sun&Seed suggested.

The first signs of an anaphylactic reaction may look like a mild skin rash, but within about 30 minutes, more serious signs appear. There is usually more than one of these: Pain, itching, burning, hives, flushed skin, or paleness. suddenly feeling too warm. feeling like you have a lump in your throat or difficulty swallowing. nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. abdominal pain. a weak and rapid pulse. runny nose and sneezing.

If conditions progress it is called Anaphylactic shock, a rare but severe allergic reaction that can be deadly if you don't treat it right away. A shot of a drug called epinephrine is needed immediately, and you should call 911 for emergency medical help.
Anaphylactic reactions vary from mild to severe. You can preform a simple test as @Sun&Seed suggested.

The first signs of an anaphylactic reaction may look like a mild skin rash, but within about 30 minutes, more serious signs appear. There is usually more than one of these: Pain, itching, burning, hives, flushed skin, or paleness. suddenly feeling too warm. feeling like you have a lump in your throat or difficulty swallowing. nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. abdominal pain. a weak and rapid pulse. runny nose and sneezing.

If conditions progress it is called Anaphylactic shock, a rare but severe allergic reaction that can be deadly if you don't treat it right away. A shot of a drug called epinephrine is needed immediately, and you should call 911 for emergency medical help.
"Hello 911, yeah my dog fucked me and now my coochie the size of a god dang watermelon!"

But anyways, it's super rare! I'd be surprised there were more than maybe 5 cases a year.
Anaphylactic shock from severe allergic reaction can happen, but it's very rare from what I've heard. There are also zoonosis std's- also mostly rare. A common thing is HSV1&2 are transmissible -in other words if you get 'cold sores', like 80% of the population, those can pass to you pet via exposure (sexual or otherwise) to saliva or sores when the virus is active.

To test for allergies:
Give yourself a few "small" scratches or pin pricks on the arm with something clean/sterile- expose some of them to small amount of possible allergen, wait awhile and then compare exposed vs non exposed scratches.
Is a scratch really necessary? Can you not just rub some of the dog cum on skin?
I know it's extremely rare, but my wife just wants everything to be perfect for herself and the lucky dog!
Is a scratch really necessary? Can you not just rub some of the dog cum on skin?
I know it's extremely rare, but my wife just wants everything to be perfect for herself and the lucky dog!
Yes it is necessary to scratch the surface of the skin otherwise you will only be testing the skin's alergic response. Since the sperm will be internal where there are blood cells the only way to know if there would be a reaction in this area is to make the sperm come into contact with live blood cells. This requires a small scratch. You can try poking a few small holes with a needle, say 3, but a scratch would be better. Then you just rub on a small amount of the animal's sperm and wait a few minutes to see if there is any reaction. In most cases there will not be any reaction.
It would make sense if you were already had a allergic response to dogs. But hell if I was I have a pen just in case. And shit what a rush they give.
Yes it is necessary to scratch the surface of the skin otherwise you will only be testing the skin's alergic response. Since the sperm will be internal where there are blood cells the only way to know if there would be a reaction in this area is to make the sperm come into contact with live blood cells. This requires a small scratch. You can try poking a few small holes with a needle, say 3, but a scratch would be better. Then you just rub on a small amount of the animal's sperm and wait a few minutes to see if there is any reaction. In most cases there will not be any reaction.
It would make sense if you were already had a allergic response to dogs. But hell if I was I have a pen just in case. And shit what a rush they give.
Thank you very much for your helpful replies! :)
Is a scratch really necessary? Can you not just rub some of the dog cum on skin?
I know it's extremely rare, but my wife just wants everything to be perfect for herself and the lucky dog!

Knotinterested is much more qualified then myself to write on medical topics- she's an actual vet student.
One thing I could add is:
The point of testing like that is to limit the exposure- less exposure, less potential response, so this is the least dangerous way to go about things. No harm in starting with no scratch- if you had a bad reaction to that, it would be a sign to not proceed... but the skin on the arm doesn't react like skin on the genitals- a scratch brings this much closer, as far as I understand.
It would make sense if you were already had a allergic response to dogs. But hell if I was I have a pen just in case. And shit what a rush they give.
Actually it makes a lot of sense from the being safe view point but even more if you have allergies of any kind.
I'm allergic, if it gets on my skin, I break out in hives, in my mouth my lips get puffy. If you wanted to test it out, from my experience, not a medical professional, I would get some semen, put it in a cup or something, and try testing it on your skin or lips in small amounts (while it's still fresh). If nothing happens, try increasing the quantity, and repeat.

I don't have any other allergies, and it sucks that I can't eat dog cum, but we still make it work