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AK bestiality laws?


It may sound silly, but I go back and forth between feeling safe and then feeling paranoid that I'm going to get in trouble for viewing/sharing anything, so I wanted to ask:

What are the laws with just *viewing* porn? Is there any difference in sharing it with someone? (i.e. showing a like-minded friend something they'd like too) I know every state is different, and my current state AK I haven't found much on, but I suppose I'd rather ask and find out and have a better understanding then keep doing as I have without a thought...
That's already a huge bit more then I expected, so thank you! I suppose going off these I should probably *not* send/share anything with likeminded friends from out of state, lol
And be smart about it, If you are chatting with someone who is supposedly, "Local" see if they trip up when you tell them about something you saw not far from them, that doesn't actually exist and see if they fall for it. Its easy, just make something up, hey did you see that XYZ that happenned at (Well Known Place) out by (wherever they are supposedly from), if they agree with you, or worse add detail like, "oh yea i was there it was crazy and the guy was doing the chicken dance" then you know they are fake.... Use your imagination, there ARE people on this site, who you should consider to be dangerous. Back on the original BF site, i remember chatting up one of the mods, and they told me about some anti-zoo group that was trying to track down, dox, etc, BF members, a couple of their dummies had been outed after failing similar tests i guess. Always observe caution.
Yeah of course
I'm always sketchy about people that are local before meeting, the people who I have shared things with ive known for decades now, so can definitely trust them. Just with how Grey the laws and rules are for viewing/sharing/etc are, rather be safe then sorry. No more sharing things for me, I think lol - at least to outta state peeps