When I did play with her first she liked it so much she didn't move except to lift her tailI’m planning on having sex with a female horse. She’s really warmed up to me but I don’t know know how to keep her still so I can pleasure her.
BrothersIs it your horse or are you jumping the fence?
Pleasuring Mares: a Guide for Considerate Human Partners
Could not find the author now, but I believe this was from BF. So credits to the author(s). Pleasuring Mares: a Guide for Considerate Human Partners The following discussion is intended as the beginning of an evolutionary document. If you wish contribute, please feel free to submit suggested...www.zoovilleforum.net
Do you think you'll be fine now?I’m planning on having sex with a female horse. She’s really warmed up to me but I don’t know know how to keep her still so I can pleasure her.
Love to do it with uDo you think you'll be fine now?
Same here but I think that might be difficult.Love to do it with u