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Advice for first time with female dog?

Hey y’all, I’m not sure if this is the right spot to put this, but I have a particular situation that I’d like to ask for advice with. I browsed through “how to’s and educational” and learned a bit, but not so much for this particular thing (unless I missed it).

Anyways to get right into it, I’m super new to all of this and I’m thinking about maybe trying things for the first time with my family dog (medium/large, female, around age 6. It would probably also be important to mention that I’m also female). Before we got her she was a stray and had puppies while she lived on her own. I’m pretty sure she's since been spayed, but she’s definitely been active at some point in the past if she had puppies.

I’m not sure how I would go about trying things with her. She’s kinda shy/nervous in general, so if she’s clearly not up to it I obviously won’t go any further since her happiness and comfort is most important to me.

How do I know if she’s consenting when she doesn’t move much if she’s already laying down/acting submissive? How do I get things started?

I want to keep things external- like just pleasing her on the outside and vice versa. I know dogs have clits, but I’m not sure how to find it or how different stimulation works in dogs.

Can I use protection like using a condom as a dental dam or saran wrap? Is it safe for her to lick me without a barrier?

I think that’s all for now, thanks for reading through this, and I hope I can get some advice and tips from you guys! Feel free to leave advice about things I didn’t mention or may have missed as well.
Well, as I'm still trying to figure out some details with my own canine companion, I can at least answer some of those questions:

Generally, female dogs tend to be vocal with their lack of consent. Try gently to see how she reacts to you exploring her with your hands, and if she doesn't growl or bare teeth, that's a good start. If she presses against you, with her tail off to the side, that's a really good sign. Generally, dogs tend to be rather quiet about what they enjoy in this regard, unlike us! Don't worry if she instead gets playful. My dog gets really nippy, but she actually gets upset if I stop because of it.

A dog's clit can be a bit harder to find than even a humans (As if the average guy knows what he's looking for to begin with!) But it's hidden within the clitoral fold a bit within, the sorta pointed bit of their triangle-shaped vulva. It's buried just a bit within though, in it's own shallow(maybe a cm) tunnel/passage separate from the vagina and more going towards their belly (where her vagina would be going *up*.)
There's some really good anatomical diagrams that can help you visualize it, but it's also pretty easy to identify by touch if you know what you're looking for. I know my German Shepsky loves stimulation there. As for external stimulation, some dogs like a bit of focus on their teats as well.

It should be pretty safe for her to lick you if you don't have any infections or the like at the time. That being said, protection is still an option if you're concerned at first.
Well, as I'm still trying to figure out some details with my own canine companion, I can at least answer some of those questions:

Generally, female dogs tend to be vocal with their lack of consent. Try gently to see how she reacts to you exploring her with your hands, and if she doesn't growl or bare teeth, that's a good start. If she presses against you, with her tail off to the side, that's a really good sign. Generally, dogs tend to be rather quiet about what they enjoy in this regard, unlike us! Don't worry if she instead gets playful. My dog gets really nippy, but she actually gets upset if I stop because of it.

A dog's clit can be a bit harder to find than even a humans (As if the average guy knows what he's looking for to begin with!) But it's hidden within the clitoral fold a bit within, the sorta pointed bit of their triangle-shaped vulva. It's buried just a bit within though, in it's own shallow(maybe a cm) tunnel/passage separate from the vagina and more going towards their belly (where her vagina would be going *up*.)
There's some really good anatomical diagrams that can help you visualize it, but it's also pretty easy to identify by touch if you know what you're looking for. I know my German Shepsky loves stimulation there. As for external stimulation, some dogs like a bit of focus on their teats as well.

It should be pretty safe for her to lick you if you don't have any infections or the like at the time. That being said, protection is still an option if you're concerned at first.
Thank you so much, this is super helpful!